c h a p t e r 13

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🎵Uptown girl🎵

-Billy joel

Hunter's pov:


That's all it is.


She's attractive.

Her loud mouth was going to get her into trouble one day or another.

I do- I'm obviously not interested in her. She's been here for just a month.

She's an interesting character. A very pretty one.

I'm horny. I need to get laid. Haven't had a good fuck for a long time.

And she's just there.

Her beautiful eyes. Her short blond hair. Soft plump lips. Her impatient grumbling.

God, that was one hell of a kiss.

And she had the audacity to call me a 'pussy'. Who does she think she is?

"She's my wife." The only reason I did say that was because Jace was being an asshole as usual. The kid's been harassing Lacey for quite a time, no threats seem to work on him. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. He's a 17 year old, bullying a 9 year old- 10 in two weeks.

It's the family rivalry that adds more to the fire. Jace's mom and our dad were always very competitive, that lead to arguments, next came insults. Obviously we had to hold both of them down before they ripped each other to shreds.

Mom and Jace's dad didn't exactly mind. If anything, they were fucking amused at the commotion made. They openly joked about it.

"It isn't like you treat your family any good either."

Those words still roam around my head. I was- I'm trying my best here to be an older brother, a good grandchild. I'm saving up all the money I can right now so their future is better, I don't want them working their asses off. I want them to have a childhood, even if it's without our parents.


Oh Lord. I didn't know she felt that way, she always seemed to brush off her feelings and put on a strong exterior. I didn't know she felt so- so neglected.

Standing outside the bathroom, I try my best not to just break the measly door down. Then I remember that I don't have enough money to build a new one.

"Lacey?" I knock on the door, calling out for my sister. She isn't supposed to be crying.

She isn't like that.

"Go away. I'm fine."

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am you bumpkin. Leave me alone."

"Stop learning insults from Grams. It's ridiculous."

"Leave Hunter. I'm fine."

With an annoyed sigh, I walk over to the pot full of keys we have and pick up the bathroom key. Unlocking the door quietly, I take soft steps towards Lace and sit down next to her on the floor. Difficultly might I add.

A few moments of silence pass by before she says, "What if I was actually pooping and not having a pity party?"

"That would've been extremely disgusting." I tell her, making a disgusted face as I stared ahead at the wall in front of us.

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