Chapter 1

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All seven friends meet up outside of the school until it's time for it to open up.

"Yo I'm low-key nervous," Dinah sits down putting her cup of coffee on the bench.

"Why?" Lauren takes a sip of her coffee.

"I have that foxy Calculus teache!" Dinah points out.

"Well have fun I'm glad I don't have the English teacher she was a pain in the ass yesterday, " Lauren mumbles.

"Maybe because she is into you!" Hailee and Dinah tease Lauren.

"Hell no she's those type of people that don't fucking like people like me," Lauren says giving both girls a death glare.

"Well for me Mr. Styles is banging!" Louis says.

"Yeah and I bet Lauren's dick is going wild thinking of Ms. Cabello," Dinah teases the green-eyed girl again.

"Shut up my dick goes wild for Lucy not her I wouldn't even imagine how old she is," Lauren says taking another sip of her coffee.

"Ew!" Everyone gags.

Lauren gives a death glare to Zayn and he stops immediately.

"Good morning students!" Lauren hears that one voice she didn't want to hear.

"Morning Ms. Cabello!" The students respond.

Hailee sees Shawn arriving just right behind Camila. She spits out her coffee on Louis who is right in front of her.

"Morning Hailee!" Shawn smiles at the young girl, "Students!"

The students all turn to Hailee with smirks on their faces.

"Morning Mr. Mendes," Hailee smiles at him.

Shawn returns it and whispers something in Camila's ear. "Well students we will be leaving," Shawn says.

Once they leave Normani, Ally and Harry appear. "Morning teaches!" The students glee.

The teachers return it and Harry looks over at Louis. "Coffee stain huh?" He laughs lightly.

Louis stands up and looks down at his shirt. "You have an extra shirt?" He asks Zayn.

"Yeah man," Zayn starts looking through his backpack.

Louis lifts his shirt above his head revealing his fit body and tattoos. Zayn throws him a muscle tank top from the school and Louis pulls it over his head.

Harry blushes hard and turns away since the students are smirking at him.

Normani and Ally laugh at their friend and bid their goodbyes to their students. Louis' friends all turn to him, smirks plastered on their faces.

"What?" Louis says innocently.

"Mr. Styles is so into you," Dinah cheers.


The five teachers meet up in Harry's classroom after Normani sent them a text in their group chat.

"So what happened?" Camila and Shawn ask at the same time.

"So one of our students, Louis Tomlinson, had coffee stains on his shirt because Hailee spit on him," Normani says and looks at Harry, making the boy blush.

"Then?" Camila asks.

"So he took his shirt off to get a new one from Zayn Malik and Harry could not take his eyes off of him!" Normani pushes Harry's shoulder.

The boy blushes as his friends tease him. They hear the door open and they all turn to the door.

"Mr. Styles?" Louis speaks up.

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