Chapter 8

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Camila sits down on her desk, luckily it's B day, and her first period she gets to relax. Camila does some paperwork for quite a while and stands up. She starts walking to the teacher's lounge but stops midway. She looks over at the bathrooms to see Lauren and Lucy making out.

Camila runs her hand through her hair and walks over. "Ms. Jauregui," She crosses her arms.

Lauren mentally cusses and pulls away from her girlfriend. "Ms. Cabello," She back sasses.

Camila drops her arms, her eyes intense. "Ms. Vives go to class now," She demands.

"Yes ma'am," Lucy mumbles, intimidated. "Bye babe," She kisses Lauren on the cheek and leaves.

Once Lucy is out of their sight, Camila pushes Lauren in the restroom.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Camila hisses.

"Why don't you fucking leave me alone with my girlfriend," Lauren mumbles.

Camila pushes her into a stall and closes it. "Girlfriend huh Jauregui?" She whispers against her lips.

"Yeah girlfriend, what are going to do about it?" Lauren hissed, getting aroused.

"Does she kiss you like me huh?" Camila bites Lauren's chin.

"I'm going to get in trouble," Lauren whispered.

"Who the fuck cares?" Camila raised an eyebrow. "Are you caring now huh?" She teases.

"If it was your class I'll skip all I fucking want," Lauren hissed.

Camila grabs Lauren pinning her against the stalls again, harder this time. The green-eyed girl whines and Camila opens the stall.

"Get to class, m" She says and walks out of the restroom.

Lauren watched the woman walk away and looks down at her crotch. She grips it an walks out of the restroom, flustered.

Upon lunchtime, she sits down on her table. Dinah comes over talking away with Hailee. They sit down and realize the look on Lauren's face.

"What's wrong with you?" Dinah asks.

"Ms. Cabello is fucking driving me crazy," She hissed.

"What happened now?" Hailee asks.

"She caught me and Lucy making out outside of the restrooms and made Lucy leave," Lauren explains.

"And the problem is how?" Hailee asks.

"She pushed me in the restroom and into a fucking stall where she teased me," Lauren whispers.

"Good evening kids," They hear.

Hailee looks up and keeps her composure when she sees Shawn.

"What up teaches?" Dinah asks.

"May you three come with us?" They ask politely to not cause a scene.

Dinah shrugs and grabs her bag, Hailee doing the same. Harry looks over at Lauren and she debates but stands up.

The two male teachers lead them outside where their other friends are.

Ally is helping Zayn, Liam, and Niall with dance routines. While their other friends are either eating or studying. Lauren meets eyes with Ms. Cabello and she quickly looks away.

Lauren sits down on a bench and lays her head down. "What the fuck am I going to do?" She mumbles to herself.

Lauren guides her hand to her crotch and grips it. She knows she can't hold the urge to jerk off but she needs too.

When the arousing gets too much Lauren just punches the wooden bench hardly and stands up.

"Fuck!" She groans and grabs her bag.

All the teachers and her friends look at her sorta scared and she throws her backpack across the grass.

"What's wrong with you?" Zayn stands up grabbing her arm.

"I can't take it anymore," Lauren hisses.

"Can't take what?" He asks.

Lauren pushes him away and looks at Camila. "If you like teasing me so fucking much let me fuck you already I'm right here Ms. Cabello," Lauren says.

Camila stands up, fury in her eyes. "Lower your voice," She commands.

"Lower my voice? Lower my voice huh, okay," Lauren dramatically says. She grabs Camila by the arm and takes her to her car, the group watching closely.

Lauren unbuckles her belt and presses herself against Camila. "Feel how hard I am I'm fucking ready to destroy your fucking pussy," Lauren growls.

Camila grips her crotch hard and pins Lauren against her car this time.

"Meet me after school," Camila whispers. She let's go of Lauren's crotch and walks away from her.

Lauren fixes her belt and lets out a sigh. "Could have gone better than expected," She whispers to herself.

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