Chapter 4

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The seven friends finally arrive at the park and some sit down on the grass and the others on the bench. Lauren pulls her phone out and lays down. She hears more footsteps and Hailee screams.

She looks up to see Hailee jump on Shawn. Harry kisses Louis making Lauren lay back down and laugh. She keeps scrolling through her Instagram and Dinah kicks her on the side.

"Ow D what the fuck?" Lauren hisses, rubbing her side.

"Sit up dumbass," Dinah grumbles.

Lauren groans and sits up. She sees that Liam, Zayn, and Niall all are talking with Ally. Hailee and Shawn are having their own conversation. While Normani sits next to Dinah.

Lauren stands up and looks around. "Ms. Cabello?" She asks.

"She will be here in a bit," Normani answers.

"Thank you Ms. Kordei!"

Lauren pats herself off and walks over to the parking lot. The teachers and the students all talk amongst each other after Lauren left. Lauren sees the Mercedes pull up and she smiles. Camila parks and gets out.

"Ms. Jauregui!" Camila smiles.

"Ms. Cabello?" Lauren eyes her up and down.

Camila bites her lip and smiles. She shuts the car door and walks over to Lauren. She kisses Lauren's jaw and slowly pulls away.

"Looking good this afternoon Lauren," Camila whispers.

Lauren brings her closer pressing their crotches together. "Do you feel that?" Lauren whispers.

Camila holds onto Lauren's shoulders and presses harder onto her. She bites her lower lip and grips her belt. "Hard as fuck Lauren?" Camila whispers in her ear.

Lauren pins her against her car and bites her cheek. Camila gasps but laughs. Lauren pulls away and rests her hands beside Camila.

"Lust," Camila whispers.

Lauren just stares at Camila with her hungry eyes. Camila looks down and brings her hands up to her belt. She desperately unbuckles Lauren's belt and Lauren does or says nothing.

Camila pulls the zipper down and bites her lip. Camila takes her dick out carefully and puts it between her legs. Lauren pumps her dick up which hits Camila's pussy.

Camila pushes Lauren away and walks over to the rest. Lauren hides her dick and bites her lip never experiencing such a tease. Lauren walks over to her car and gets inside.

She rests her head back and brings her hand up to her dick. She starts pumping her hand up and down letting out a groan. She jerks off until she was about to cum but a knock on her window stops her.

She sees Dinah and quickly puts her dick away. She pulls her zipper up and buckles her belt. She gets out and Dinah smirks.

"I saw that dick you ain't slick," Dinah teases.

"Don't tell me you also saw the interaction between me and Ms. Cabello?" Lauren says desperately.

"How she teased you? Hell yeah I saw, it's my job," Dinah says.

Lauren sighs, "I'm not into her but fuck the lust I have for her."

Dinah laughs and wraps her arm around Lauren's shoulder. "So what are you going to do?" Dinah asks.

"I'm going to fuck her that's all I know," Lauren says.

Dinah laughs and they both walk back to the rest. Everybody is spending great time with each other. They also ordered food to the park so they are currently eating.

Unfortunately, Camila is right next to Lauren. Midway of eating Lauren feels her crotch get gripped and she bites her lower lip.

She feels her belt get unbuckled and her zipper going down. She feels Camila's cold hand wrap around Lauren's warm dick causing shivers throughout Lauren's body. Camila acts all normal so nobody suspects anything but obviously, both girls know exactly what's going on.

Camila starts pumping Lauren's dick but stops mid way since Normani called her. She squeezes Lauren's dick causing the girl to jump.

Camila bites her lower lip and gets up. Once she departs, her seat gets filled by Dinah.

"So... Me and Normani saw everything from afar," Dinah smirks.

She looks down to confirm what her eyes saw. She sees that Lauren's dick is in fact out and Dinah laughs.

Lauren blushes and puts it back in her pants. She rests her head on her arms and groans.

"I don't know what to do with her!" She groans out.

"Just fuck her already," Dinah says.

Lauren sits up and looks at Dinah. "How's it going with Ms. Kordei huh?" She teases back.

Dinah blushes and bites her lip. "It's going at least, more progress," Normani says.

"Oh yeah I already got my dick touched and I already got in between her legs," Lauren says.

"Dammit you win Jauregui," Dinah hands Lauren a twenty-dollar bill. "What about Lucy?" Dinah asks.

"Want her to be my girlfriend but she's just playing around," Lauren groans.

"Maybe she's confused L," Dinah laughs. She stands up and punches Lauren in the arm, "You have it bad."

As it starts to get darker everybody prepares to leave since they all need to arrive at school. Dinah gets in Niall's car after saying goodbye to Normani and Niall does the same.

They are both the first ones to leave. Afterward is Liam and Zayn.

Ally and Normani leave together only leaving, Shawn, Hailee, Louis, Harry, Lauren, and Camila.

The other two pairs talk a little far away from each other and Lauren checks her watch.

"Ready to leave already huh Lauren?" Camila says.

"I have homework to do Ms. Cabello," Lauren says.

Camila comes over and bites her lower lip. "I'll give you some homework," Camila says, tracing Lauren's belt.

"What is it?" Lauren whispered. 

"You.. Will have to come to my class during lunch," Camila whispers.

"Fuck no," Lauren says.

Camila brings Lauren close, pressing their crotches together. "You're gonna come okay," Camila whispers in Lauren's ear, biting her ear lobe.

"And if I don't?" Lauren raises her eyebrow.

"Face the consequences," Camila whispers.

Lauren bites her lower lip debating on this. She does want to know what Camila can actually do but at the same time, she dislikes her so damn much.

Camila pulls away and bites Lauren's cheek. "Think about it sexy, I'll see you tomorrow," Camila whispers.

Lauren brings her hand up to her cheek and looks back. She closes her eyes trying to get Ms. Cabello's big ass out of her mind.

"Ready to go?" Louis and Hailee come up to her.

"Yeah, let's go." Lauren takes her keys out and sighs.

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