Chapter 15

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Camila tightens the rope around Lauren's wrist as she has the green-eyed girl blindfolded. Lauren wiggles in her seat as her mouth is also muffled. Camila takes off the rag in Lauren's mouth and leans down.

"What?" She asks, one eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asks.

"Time for the roles to switch I'm the dominant tonight," Camila whispers. Camila lowers Lauren's blindfold so she can see Lauren's beautiful eyes staring back at her.

"You can't be dominant," Lauren whispers, holding in her breath when Camila trails her wet lips along her neck. Lauren moves her head to the side to give Camila more space.

"Who said I couldn't?" Camila asks, planting a lingering kiss on Lauren's pulse point.

Lauren bites down on her lower lip, letting out a whimper. Camila sits down on Lauren's lap trailing her kisses up. Camila finally connects their lips together, sucking on Lauren's bottom lip, pulling it. She takes the blindfold, covering Lauren's eyes, and also muffled her mouth with the rag.

Camila takes off all her clothing, ignoring Lauren's whimpers. She unbuckles Lauren's belt pulling down her pants, her boxer shorts along with it. Camila kneels down, taking Lauren's hard-on in her palms. She squeezes it, making Lauren whimper, as she bites down on the rag.

Camila moves back on Lauren's lap, slowly swiveling Lauren's dick inside of her pussy. Lauren bucks her hips up driving herself deeper in. Camila starts bouncing up and down as she clamps her walls around Lauren's sex.

Lauren really can't do anything except for feeling everything and hearing their bodies smacking against each other. Camila grinds forward letting out a long dragged moan. Lauren let's go of her semen right as Camila cums too. Camila gets up and takes off the rag from Lauren's mouth, lowering the blindfold too.

"Dang your one determined dominant bitch," Lauren whispers breathlessly.

Camila smiles and unties the rope. Lauren stands up and takes off her shirt. Lauren throws Camila on the bed, laying down on top of the smaller Cuban, grinding down on her. Lauren slides in, pounding hard into Camila.

Camila moans, biting her lower lip, loving the way that Lauren isn't like the others. The other people she dated or had an intimidating night with were so plain and lame in bed.

Lauren lifts herself up seeing herself disappear. Lauren pulls out seeing that Camila becomes wet again. She leans down, licking her pussy, gently pressing her tongue against Camila's clit. She can taste her semen in Camila's pussy making her smile.

Lauren slides back in not taking long to release her semen. She pulls out as she lets out another load but this time on Camila's abdomen. Camila wraps her legs around Lauren's waist pulling Lauren down on top of her. Lauren touches Camila's abdomen, she cups Camila's cheek which causes her semen to now be on Camila's cheek.

Camila smiles and presses herself against Lauren. "Your one sexy bitch," Camila whispers.

"God I love you," Lauren whispers. She sits up, acknowledging what she just said.

Camila smiles and sits up with Lauren. "Don't be scared," She takes Lauren's hand in hers. "I love you too baby."

Lauren smiles, biting her lower lip, caressing Camila's hand. "Thank God," Lauren whispers. She kisses Camila passionately, holding her close to her.

Camila hugs Lauren, smiling. In the beginning, she didn't want to do anything with this very green-eyed girl but now she loves her with all she has and never wants to stop loving her ever.

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