Chapter 6

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Normani lays back on her towel. Ally comes over and sits next to her. "If the principal knew we were out here with our students," She giggles.

Norman props herself up with her elbow and smiles. "I thought you weren't going to mess with your students?"

Ally blushes, "I'm not, well only a little."

Norman giggles, "Still counts Allyson." She sees Dinah approach and smiles brightly.

"What's up!" She smiles at the two teachers. She sits down in front of them and takes Normani's hand in hers.

Normani squeezes it and smiles, "Nothing, you?"

"Just drowned Niall!" She says proudly. She looks over at Ally, "Sorry Ms. Brooke."

"Call me Ally we aren't at school, " Ally smiles, "And good thing we aren't I would have given you detention."

Dinah groans but laughs. Normani smiles and she kisses the back of Dinah's hand. "I'm going for a swim," She let's go of Dinah's hand, standing up.

Dinah nods and let's go of Normani. Once she's out of earshot Ally turns to Dinah. "You two are adorable!" She says.

"Thank you!" Dinah smiles, not taking her eyes off Normani.

"Dinah, can I ask you something?" Ally asks.

"Shoot," She says, looking at Ally.

"Can you tell me a little about Niall?" She asks.

Dinah looks over at the said boy and smiles. "Well to begin with he's Irish, we met him in sophomore year when he moved here," Dinah said.

"Explains his cute accent," Ally giggles.

Dinah smiles and continues, "He's 19 because well, he missed a year and failed one."

Ally smiles brightly. When she graduated high school she immediately became a dance teacher she had experienced since she was a little girl and throughout her life, so she ended up getting the job easier. She's only 24 herself so she doesn't see a reason to say no.

While with her friends they needed to go to college for four years, although once they graduated high school they went straight ahead to college since they had the money.

Normani is 23 as of now, Camila is 22 and Shawn is 21. Ally looks over at Niall and stands up.  "Thank you, Dinah!"

"You're welcome Ally!" Dinah smiles up at the shorter girl.

Dinah lays down and sighs. All her friends are practically the same age either 17, 18 or 19.

The high school kids are almost done with high school, they only need four more months and they will move on with their lives. With or without the teachers.

Dinah will love to think she will graduate high school as Normani graduating her and being her girlfriend. Niall wants the same thing and Hailee does too.

Although Dinah is 17 she doesn't care. She sits up and looks over at her friends splashing each other along with the two teachers.

She smiles brightly and takes her phone out. She checks the time and sees that school will soon end.

She dials Lauren's number waiting for her to pick up. After three rings the girl picks up.

"What's up DJ?" She asks.

"How's it going over there?" Dinah asks.

"It's going, Chad got into Liam's head again and he left the school," Lauren says.

"Where is he?" Dinah grows concerned for her friend.

"He's in class but we have been dodging Chad and well Cheryl," Lauren says.

She hears stuff getting put away and Dinah sighs. "He's going to be okay," Dinah assured.

"I sure hope so, we know how it went before," Lauren says, "I have to go."

"See you, Laur!" Dinah chirps and hangs up.

She puts her phone down and looks over at Normani. She stands up and goes to her friends.

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