Chapter 13

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2 weeks later...
Prom Night...

Lauren walks arm in arm with Lucy. The girl really wasn't kidding when she said she got them matching prom outfits. Lauren had to dress like a fucking cowgirl, she doesn't mind, at least she doesn't have to wear a dress, but seriously?

Anyway, Lauren looks around until she was actually able to spot Camila. She's with everyone else, perfect!

"Do you want some punch?" Lauren asks Lucy.

"Of course!" Lucy chirps.

Both girls go to the punch bowl, Lauren pouring for the both of them. Lauren sees a figure next to her and when she looks up her breath hitched in her throat.

"Ms. Jauregui, Ms. Vives," Camila greets, "I hope you're enjoying yourselves tonight."

Lauren doesn't answer but just stares at Camila's lips. Lucy tightens her grip on Lauren's arm and Lauren looks down at her.

"Let's go dance," Lucy says.

"Okay," Lauren says.

Lucy starts pulling her to the dance floor. Lauren gives Camila a look and the girl blows her a wink. After hours of dancing with Lucy, Lauren was finally able to get away from her. Lauren walks over to her group of friends and raises an eyebrow.

"Where's Camila?" I asked.

"Girls bathroom," Zayn responds, smirking at her.

Lauren nods, walking to the girl's bathroom, and opening the door. Camila looks up from washing her hands and smiles.

"Bout time partner," She teased Lauren.

Lauren laughs and tips her hat. "Howdy."

Camila comes over pressing their lips together. Lauren's hands slip to her ass, kissing her back immediately. Lauren picks up the girl, Camila's legs wrapping around her waist, pressing her center against Lauren's strong abdomen.

Lauren sets her down on the sink counter, kissing down Camila's neck. Camila let's out a satisfied moan, her fingers knitting in Lauren's hair.

"God let me hop on and ride," Camila whispers, taking Lauren's cowgirl hat off.

Lauren pulls away from her grabbing the footstool in the restroom. Camila takes out large paper towels from the dispenser and Lauren sets them down on the footstool.

She undoes her belt pulling her pants down along with her boxers. She sits down on the footstool and Camila lowers her zipper from her dress. She takes it off and takes off her panties. She slowly lowers on top Lauren's awaiting dick and starts moving slowly up and down.

Her hand's plant on the wall behind them as she starts to gradually pick up her pace. Both girls couldn't go on longer because they heard voices outside.

Lauren stood up with Camila in her arms, Camila grabbing her dress. Lauren opens the door to the biggest stall and locks it. Camila grips her legs around Lauren's waist right as the door opens.

Lauren brings a finger up to her lips and slowly starts striding in and out of Camila again. Camila arches her head back, biting down harshly on her lower lip.

The other girls in the restroom have their conversation, do their business or makeup, and finally leave. Once the door closed Camila let go of her lower lip and Lauren starts picking up her pace.

Camila lets out a dragged moan loving the suspense of having sex here in this restroom. Before Lauren can release her shit load she pulls out but Camila doesn't want that she wants Lauren to cum hard for her.

Camila grips Lauren's sex and switches their positions. Her soft hand starts at a fast pace, pumping Lauren's dick. Lauren grips her arm harshly, making the brunette wince since she has a strong grip. Camila bends down taking Lauren's left nut in her mouth.

Lauren lets out a gasp not really having anyone do that sort of thing. Camila lets it go and stands back up. She puts Lauren's tip on her abdomen right as Lauren lets her semen out.

"Clean me," Camila whispers.

Lauren raises an eyebrow but just lowers down. She brings her hot tongue, licking up her own semen, having a taste of herself. Once all of it is gone, Lauren kisses up Camila's body, her neck, she bites Camila's chin, kissed up her jaw, and finally lands on her ear.

"All done," Lauren whispers, biting Camila's ear lobe.

"A-plus," Camila whispers seductively.

She gets dressed and grabs Lauren's hat. Camila puts it on Lauren's head and rests her hand on Lauren's chest. "Thanks for the ride partner." Camila winks and exits the stall.

Lauren's eyes travel her trail and she leans her head back, smiling. "Seducing bitch," Lauren whispers.



What up!!! I just wanted to say there's only going to be two more chapters left I really have no idea how to continue this story so why not end it with an epic prom 👌🏼😌

See you guys in the next chapter!

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