Chapter 12

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"Lauren you need to break up with her," Dinah mumbled to Lauren.

"Your right D but I just can't," Lauren whispers.

"Do you want to be a pussy and let me do it?" Dinah asks.

"Fuck no, I'll do it," Lauren says and clears her throat.

The only reason Lauren has to do this is that she can't keep ditching on Lucy, cheating on her and she wants Camila to give her the answer to her question.


Camila caresses Lauren's jaw as the two are laying down on the blanket. The two decided to have a picnic that evening but this isn't something ordinary. Lauren wants to stop being fuck buddies and start being a real relationship, that's if they can be one considering their stances.

"You okay? You seem jittery..." Camila whispers.

"I want to ask you something..." Lauren trails off, taking Camila's hand in her's.

"Ask away baby," Camila smiles.

"I know that your a teacher and I'm your student... But I really want these adventures to become something more than that," Lauren explains.

"Lauren I'll love to be with you... But you're still with Ms. Vives," Camila whispers.

"Oh..." Lauren trails off.

"Maybe if you were single I'll accept but that's not the case," Camila frowns.

"Give me some time I'll fix this," Lauren smiles.

"Well if you do then maybe I'll give you your answer," Camila winks, smiling sweetly.

Lauren stuffs her hand in her pockets right as she walks up to Lucy and her friends.

"Oh hey baby," Lucy smiles kissing Lauren on the lips.

"Hi," Lauren murmurs. 

"Are you okay?" Lucy asks.

"Can I talk to you?" Lauren asks.

"Sure baby," Lucy says and dismisses her friends.

Once Lucy's friends leave she turns back to her girlfriend.

"What's up?" Lucy asks.

"I don't think this is working, I just, my mind is all over the place and you need someone that isn't distracted," Lauren explains.

"But I already got us our prom outfits," Lucy says.

Lauren's eyes widen and bite her lower lip. "Oh..." She trails off.

"Can we maybe still go to prom together?" Lucy asks.

"Uh sure, see you around then," Lauren says.

"See you around," Lucy says.

Both girls separate and Lauren walks back over to Dinah.

"How did it go?" Dinah asked the approaching girl.

"Well we aren't together anymore but I still have to go to prom with her," Lauren explains.

"Why?" Dinah asked.

"Because I felt bad. She already got us our prom outfits, what would you do?" Lauren asks her best friend.

"I guess I'll feel bad and go, " Dinah says.

Lauren pats Dinah on the chest. "I have to go talk to Camila," Lauren says and leaves the Polynesian alone.

Lauren fixed her bag on her shoulder and starts walking to Camila's classroom. First-class hasn't started yet so the teacher should be alone.

She knocks on the classroom door and heads a faint come in. Lauren opens the door to see Camila talking with Ally and Normani.

"Lauren," The other two teachers smile at her.

"Ally, Normani. Dinah is in the hall if your wondering," Lauren directs towards Normani.

"I'll be back," Normani smiles.

Ally giggles and Lauren smiles at her. Ally sits down on one of the desks pulling out her phone. Lauren leans against Camila's desk and smiles.

"Hi, baby," Lauren whispers.

"Hi," Camila smiles.

"So I got some news for you," Lauren says.

"What is it?" Camila asks, smiling brightly.

"I broke up with Lucy," Lauren smiles, "But I...i have to go to prom with her."

"Why?" Camila asks.

"I felt bad because she said she already got us our prom outfits and I couldn't do that to her," Lauren frowns.

"Well," Camila stands up, walking around to be in front of the green-eyed girl. "Your answer from the other day is, I will love to be your girlfriend."

"Yes, bitches finally! Shawn owes me a hundo!" Ally cheers causing both girls to look at her. "I mean congrats," Ahe says looking back down at her phone.

Lauren looks at Camila and smiles. "But what about this prom thing?" Lauren asks.

"I'll be supervising so whenever you can come to escape with me," Camila smiled.

"I'll try my hardest baby girl," Lauren whispers, kissing Camila on the lips deeply.

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