Chapter 2

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Hailee walks to her AP chemistry class which is with Mr. Mendes, of course. She walks in to see that she is early. Shawn looks up from his paperwork and smiles.

"Morning Ms. Steinfeld," Shawn smiles.

"Morning Mr. Mendes!" Hailee returns his smile.

Shawn checks his watch and stands up. "You are fairly early," Shawn chuckles leaning against his desk.

Hailee looks at her desk than at Mr. Mendes. She sees the students arrive inside and Shawn frowns along with Hailee.

Throughout the class, both Shawn and Hailee couldn't get their eyes off of each other. Once class ends and it's time for lunch, Shawn calls Hailee over.

Hailee comes over to Shawn's desk and Shawn stands up. "Did you need anything, Mr. Mendes?" Hailee asks.

"Yes close the door please," Shawn says and Hailee nods doing what he told.

Once she walks over Shawn picks her up and sits her down on top of his desk.

"Woah!" Hailee says shocked but liking it as well.

Shawn is hungry and Hailee can tell. She knows nobody can resist her. Shawn was going to meet lips with Hailee but the door opens.



Lauren walks to the cafeteria and sits down. She acknowledges that none of her friends are at the lunch table.

She gets up and leaves the cafeteria. She is texting Dinah to know where they are until she bumps into someone. Their stuff falls and Lauren bends down picking up everything.

Once she stands back up she regrets what she did.

Camila grabs her things and gives Lauren a thankful smile. "Thank you, Lauren," Camila nods and walks over to the teacher lounge. 

Lauren's gaze follows how her ass moves when she walks. Lauren grips her crotch and feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. She checks her phone to see a phone call from Dinah.

Lauren picks up her phone...



The door opens making Shawn and Hailee pull away.

"Shawn and Hailee what in the world!" Camila says very shocked.

Shawn rubs his neck nervously, Hailee grabs her things and blushes hard. "Have a great lunch Ms. Cabello..."

Hailee walks out and closes the door. Camila looks at Shawn and bites her lower lip. "You're lucky it was me and not anybody else," Camila smiles to comfort the boy.

"Yeah..." Shawn whispers.

"So you have a thing for that student?" Camila teases.

"I was turned on.. And well she's..." Shawn starts to get nervous.

Camila laughs at her best friend and Shawn smiles nervously.


Lauren walks into her English class and Camila looks up smiling at her. Lauren sits down not paying attention to Camila. The class runs smoothly until Camila calls Lauren up.

Lauren hesitates to stand up since she has a boner and she's wearing jeans.

"Lauren?" Camila calls again.

She hesitates a while longer but ends up standing up. She walks to Camila's desk.

Camila looks up and her eyes land on Lauren's crotch.

"Ms. Cabello?" Lauren speaks up trying to get the girls attention.

Camila looks up into Lauren's eyes and regains her composure. "Here's your work," Camila hands Lauren her work.

Lauren takes it and bites her lip. "Thanks, beautiful. I mean Ms. Cabello." Lauren walks back to her desk and sits down. She runs her hand through her hair rethinking what she just said.

Class is done and Camila calls for Lauren to stay. The last student closes the door on the way out due to Camila's request. Camila stands up covering the window on her door.

Lauren plays with her fingers nervously. Camila sits on her desk looking at Lauren. "Ms. Jauregui?" Camila calls her.

Lauren looks up and she feels like her soul was sucked out of her body. Camila has her hair to the side and Lauren's dick is growing hard. The tension in the room is building up so Lauren stands up. She goes over and crashes her lips with Camila's.

Camila moans and kisses Lauren back. Her hands go to tangle in Lauren's hair. Camila pulls Lauren's shirt over her head and brings her closer.

The bell rings and Lauren wakes up. She gets up and hands her work to Camila. Camila takes her work and Lauren walks out the door before she could call her back in.


Louis is walking to U. S History, listening to music with his AirPods. He sits on his desk and Dinah walks in. He feels one of his AirPods gets taken off and he knows it was Dinah.

Dinah puts it in her ear and jams to his song. The class was chill today and both students just jammed to music which Mr. Styles gave permission too. Louis and Dinah turn in their work and go on their phones.

Class is done and the whole class piles out. "Louis?" Mr. Styles calls out.

Dinah hands Louis his AirPod and practically runs out of the class. Louis stands up nervously and goes to Harry's desk. Dinah closes the door and winks at Louis right before it closes. From how hard she closed it the curtain falls on the window and Harry tries to hide a smile.

Harry stands up and looks at the nervous boy. Harry leans against his desk and bites his lower lip. "I know what you want," Harry whispers.

"What?" Louis whispers.

"You wish to kiss me, Louis," Harry whispers.

Louis swallows the lump that formed in his throat. "I.. I.." Louis stutters.

Harry leans forwards which connects their lips. Louis breathes in a deep breath and kisses Harry back. Louis goes over the desk and sits down on the desk. Harry moves everything aside and Louis wraps his arms around Harry's neck.

Harry lifts Louis shirt above his head and kisses down his body. Louis unbuttons Harry's blazer and takes it off. They hear a knock on the door and Harry pulls away.

Louis puts his shirt above his head and Harry puts his blazer around his chair.

Louis grabs his backpack and goes over to Harry. Harry smiles and pecks Louis' lips. "Bye.." Harry whispers.

"I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Styles," Louis whispers, smiling.

He opens the door and Shawn is waiting on the other side. He raises an eyebrow with a smirk plastered on his lips.

Harry sits down on his desk and grabs his papers.

"Was it getting hot in here or what?" Shawn smirks.

"Shut up," Harry mumbles.


Louis runs his hand through his hair and tries to get to his car.

"Hey, Tomlinson what took so long!" Lauren calls out.

Louis turns around to see his friends sitting on the bench. Louis walks over and sits down.

"Nothing," Louis mumbles.

The students see Mr. Styles and Mr. Mendes come out and all friends turn to smirk at Louis. Harry looks over at Louis and blushes looking away.

Louis blushes too and puts his head down so his friends don't see it but it was too late because Lauren already saw it.

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