Chapter 5

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This chapter would only focus on three students Zayn, Liam, and Lauren and three teachers Camila, Harry and Shawn


Lauren gets out of her car with Liam and Zayn. The rest of their colleagues went on a trip today for the weekend with Normani and Ally. The three friends walk to their lockers and grab their sports bags.

The hallways are empty because they have an assembly that morning which these three students hate assemblies. They close their lockers and walk to the gym.

"Better get to that gym," They hear. Zayn, Liam, and Lauren turn around to see Shawn, Harry, and Camila.

Lauren bites her lower lip remembering what Camila told her the other night. Camila locks eyes with Lauren and raises an eyebrow.

Liam turns around and sees the one person he didn't want to see. "What's up Payno?" Chad says.

Liam takes his hat off, running his hand through his hair. "What do you want Chad what the fuck do you want?!" Liam says.

"Nothing just wanted to see if you asked Cheryl out, " Chad says.

"You stay the fuck away from her Chad or you'll regret it, " Liam says.

Chad pushes Liam causing him to stumble back. "What are you going to do about it?" Chad says.

Lauren could see that her best friend is at his breaking point and he's about to crack. She gets in between them and picks Liam's hat up. "Stop Chad go to the fucking gym before I fuck you up."

"I'll go back to the gym, sit next to Lucy," Chad winks.

Lauren throws a punch at him causing the boy to bleed from the mouth. "Stay away from my girl," Lauren hisses. She spits on him and puts Liam's hat on his head.

She sees that she did all of that in front of the three teachers. "Ms. Jauregui," Camila says, "Come with me."

Lauren rolls her eyes and follows Ms. Cabello a little far away from everybody else. "What do you want?" Lauren asks.

"What was that?" Camila crosses her arms.

"What was that? That was me claiming what's mine," Lauren says.

"What's yours huh?" Camila says.

"Yeah what's mine, Lucy is mine, and so are you," Lauren whispers.

"I'm not yours," Camila whispers.

"You're all mine and your gonna like it," Lauren whispers.

Lauren pulls away from her and walks back to her friends. "Let's go," Lauren says to Zayn and Liam.

Liam fixes his hat on his head and all three friends walk away. Camila approaches her friends and they raise an eyebrow at her. "Let's go to the assembly," Camila says.

Once they enter the assembly the principal calls them up. Camila, Shawn, and Harry walk up and all the students cheer obviously being the favorite teachers along with Ally and Normani.

"We would like to present Ms. Cabello, Mr. Mendes, and Mr. Styles as the assistant coaches," Principal Moreno says.

Camila walks up to the podium and smiles at the basketball girls. "Wow, I will love to say that I will be the assistant coach to these talented girls."

Lauren lifts her chin up with her hand staring over at Lucy. Camila steps down and Principal Moreno steps up. "Now the two new football assistants!" He says and everybody cheers.

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