Chapter 14

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Lauren dances with her friends when they hear the principal on the mic.

"Okay, students it's time to announce the prom king and prom queen, then the prom prince and prom princess," The principal announced, making all the students cheer.

His secretary hands him the first card and he smiles. "And this year's prom king is... Zayn Malik!"

Lauren claps Zayn on the back while everyone else congratulates him. He walks up the stage and bends down as the principal's secretary puts the crown on him.

"And now your prom queen is... Gigi Hadid!"

Gigi goes up the stage, the secretary putting the crown on her head. Gigi gives Zayn a quick peck on the lips and they stand side by side.

"Now your prom prince is Chad Mulligan!"

Chad goes on stage as all the football guys cheer for him. Lauren looks at Liam as he frowns.

"And your prom princess is Cheryl Ann Tweedy!"

Everyone turns to Liam feeling bad for the boy. The royalties take the dance floor, everyone giving them space. Once everything is done Zayn and Gigi join their friends.

Halfway through, Lucy finds Lauren and smiles.

"Can we dance? Your my date and we barely hung out tonight," Lucy says.

"Uh sure.." Lauren trails off.

She looks back at Camila who just sticks her tongue out at the green-eyed girl.


Camila dances with Harry as they both dance swiftly to the music.

"I will so twerk right now!" Camila cheers.

"Yes, girl!" Harry cheers.

As the night winds down most students have left. Camila sees that Lauren is talking with Lucy by the gym doors.

"You can keep the outfit if you want Lauren I had a great time tonight but I really have to get home," Lucy smiles at Lauren.

"I had a great time, see you around?" Lauren says.

"See you around!" Lucy smiles hugging Lauren.

Lauren hugs her back and the brunette waves at her one final time. Lauren sees Lucy turn the corner and she sighs, taking off her cowgirl hat. She feels bad for the girl, of course, she cheated on her with her English teacher, that could ruin someone's ego especially with Lucy's high status.

Lauren looks over at her group of friends and meets eyes with Camila. The brunette gives her a sweet smile and Lauren returns it.

"Maybe this school year turned out good," Lauren whispers to herself.

She walks over to the dancing group of friends and smiles when she's in front of Camila.

"How did it go?" Camila asks.

"Good... Apart from feeling bad for her," Lauren says.

"It's going to be okay you just have graduation left," Camila smiles.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Lauren asks hopefully.

"Why?" Camila hides her smile.

"I want to be alone with you baby," Lauren smiles.

"Okay let me go say goodbye," Camila nods.

"I'll be at the doors," Lauren points towards the doors.

"Aren't you going to say bye?" Camila asks.

"Nah I don't need to," Lauren waves it off.

Camila giggles and walks over to the group of friends. Lauren smiles, gripping her hat.

"Who would've thought," She whispers to herself.

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