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Lauren walks up the stage shaking all of her teacher's hands. She finally graduated and she can't believe it. She gets to Camila and she bites her lower lip.

"Congratulations Ms. Jauregui," Camila smiles.

Lauren had to resist kissing her right then and there so she had to move to the principal. Lauren shakes the principal's hand and he smiles.

"Congratulations Ms. Jauregui I could tell your future is bright, I hope you can get in that art university," He says.

"Thank you, sir," Lauren smiles and walks off the stage.


1 year later...

Lauren sits down, taking a long drink from her water bottle. Camila laughs right behind her. She hugs Lauren's fit torso, kissing her cheek. It's been a year since Lauren has graduated, she got into art school in NY so she moved to New York with Camila.

All of her friends and the other teachers who are now professors in the universities moved with them as well. Most went to New York University and the others went to art school with Lauren. Art school has dancing and anything else due to the arts.

"Let's go, one more lap," Camila smiles.

"One more lap," Lauren pants.

"Yeah," Camila smiles.

"Why are you taking me to runs lately?" Lauren asks her girlfriend.

Camila takes a deep breath and takes Lauren's hand in hers. "Because I have something to tell you," She says.

Lauren caresses her girlfriend's hands, interlocking their fingers. "What is it?"

"I went to the doctor because I haven't gotten my period and he told me that I'm pregnant," Camila explains. She didn't want to look at Lauren's reaction so when the green-eyed girl lifted her chin up, kissed her lips, and smiled brightly, she was really confused. "You're not mad?"

"Of course not, why would I be?" Lauren smiles. "My parents showed me to never be mad for getting someone pregnant, plus we've been together for almost two years so why would I be mad plus I've been dreaming for this day to come," Lauren explains.

Camila hugs Lauren close to her, kissing her jaw. Lauren picks her up, kissing Camila's cheek over and over again.

"I love you, baby!" Camila chirps.

"I love you too baby girl," Lauren smiles.


2 years later...

Lauren closes the door to her house. She's a home designer and it's hella fucking stressful. She's currently helping Zayn and Gigi with their home and it's coming out pretty nice.

She hears two pairs of footsteps and she picks up her two twins. "Hey, babies, where's mommy?" Lauren asks the two-year-olds.

"Mommy is asweep she didn't get work today," Emilio speaks up.

She turns to her daughter and smiles. "How was your day baby?" Lauren asks.

"It was fun momma, Emilio played dollies with me today," Emily responds.

Lauren smiles and takes both of her twins upstairs with her. She walks inside her bedroom to see her fiancee sleeping. Lauren smiles and puts her twins down. She walks over to the bed and sits on the edge. She brings her hand up, her fingertips caressing Camila's cheek.

The twins watch in awe at the loving interaction their 'father' was giving to their mother. Lauren leans down, kissing Camila on the cheek, and on the tip of her nose. Camila opens her eyes and smiles up at her fiancee.

"Hi," She speaks huskily.

"Hi baby," Lauren smiles.

Camila looks at her twins and smiles at them. "You guys didn't make a mess right?"

"No mommy," Both twins respond.

Lauren smiles and picks her twins up. She lays them down on the bed and she lays down next to all of them. Lauren wraps her arms around her family cuddling with them.


"I do," Camila smiles brightly.

Lauren slides the ring on her ring finger as everyone cheers.

"I pronounce you as wife and wife, you may kiss the bride," The priest directs towards Lauren.

Lauren brings Camila close to her, connecting their lips. Everybody cheers as the twins hug their parent's legs. Lauren pulls away from Camila and picks up Emily. Camila picks up Emilio kissing his pale cheek.

Both walk down the aisle as everybody throws flower petals up in the air. Lauren looks at Zayn and he throws her a wink. She knows just like Zayn does that they both didn't see this coming. They both never thought that Lauren will ever get married.

Lauren enters the limo with her twins and now her wife. Wife. Lauren loves that, she loves how it rolls off her tongue. The twins look out the window as Lauren wraps her arms around her wife.


Lauren takes off Camila's shirt as she kisses every inch of her body. Camila smiles as Lauren slowly grinds her crotch against Camila's.

They are on their honeymoon and it's been so magical. Lauren was always so romantic and that's what Camila loves the most about her. She didn't really want to leave the twins but Lauren was right, this honeymoon was for them and them only.

At least she left them with Harry and Louis. She would have left them with Dinah and Normani but Dinah is already an influence on the twins and they are barely two.

"Are you okay?" Lauren asks and that's when she realized Lauren stopped what she was doing.

"Just thinking," Camila smiles.

"About?" Lauren smiles.

"Everything we went through," Camila caresses Lauren's jaw.

"Best years of my life," Lauren whispers.

Camila nods and kisses Lauren's lips. "I still can't believe I started with being fuck buddies with you, to your girlfriend, we experienced two years with each other, then I found out that we were going to have our two twins," Camila explains.

Lauren grins remembering like it was yesterday.

"When you proposed to me I felt like my heart exploded of happiness, now when we were up in that alter I felt like my life was complete," Camila kissed Lauren again.

"I felt like my life was complete too baby, I love you."

"I love you too, so much," Camila smiled.

Lauren leans down kissing Camila passionately and lovingly. She never thought she will ever fall in love with a teacher, especially the one that at first she hated to now loving her and being her beautiful wife.

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