Chapter 7

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1 week later...

Lauren gets out of her car with Lucy and smiles. Two days ago Lauren finally grew the balls to ask her out and here they are.

Zayn raises his eyebrow, crossing his arms. He looks at Dinah and she shakes her head. "Hi, guys," They both said.

"Hi," Lauren and Lucy smile.

Dinah looks behind them and her jaw drops. Zayn laughs and shoves her shoulder. "Your dog is showing," He whispers.

Dinah brings her backpack up to her crotch, covering it. Right after the beach Dinah and Normani had an intimidating night.

Dinah closes the door of the hotel room. She ended up sharing a room with Normani and Hailee. Hailee was in the lobby with everybody else at the bar.

The two sneaked up to the room so they could be alone.

"I know you feel things for me," Normani whispers.

"I won't lie," Dinah confirms.

Normani smiles and wraps her arms around Dinah's arms. She presses her center against her crotch and bites her lower lip. "Take me," She whispers.

Dinah smirks and crashes their lips. She picks Normani up and lays her down on the bed, kissing down the dark-skinned girl's neck.

Norman comes over with Shawn and Camila. "Good morning Ms. Jane," She smiles.

"M-Morning," Dinah stutters.

Normani looks at Camila and Shawn, smiling. Camila walks up and touches Dinah's shoulder.

Once Lauren sees Camila her eyes wide at her outfit. She's wearing a white dress and her hair is pulled up, with silver heels.

They lead Dinah away from everybody else and Shawn stops. "Where's Hailee?" He asks.

"She won't take long to get here," Lauren responds.

Shawn's eyes look at Lauren's arm around Lucy's waist but decides not to say anything. He has a grey suit on, he has a black shirt under the suit jacket than a stripped button-up under that. He has his black boots and his glasses on.

Shawn looks at Zayn and pats his shoulder. Shawn runs his hand through his hair and takes his glasses off walking over to his friends.

Zayn laughs and sits up. "Looks like something happened between Dinah and Normani," He says.

"Don't tell me she already fucked her?" Lauren asks.

"Why interested?" Lucy asks.

"No reason babe," Lauren smiles.

Zayn motions for Lauren to come over and she does. "Looks like Dinah beat you," Zayn whispers and he nods over to the four people huddled up. "You need to win Laur," He whispers.

"I don't need to Zayn," Lauren whispers.

She walks back to Lucy and wraps her arm around her. "Come on let's go inside," Lauren whispers in her ear and kisses her cheek. They walk inside leaving Zayn alone.

"She still has a lust for Ms. Cabello," He shakes his head, chuckling.

Zayn sees Hailee and the rest of his friends come up to him. "What's up y'all," He says.

"What's going on over there?" Hailee asks.

"Well I'm thinking they're giving Dinah a lecture because she probably fucked Normani," Zayn says.

"Oh yeah!" Hailee says. "They definitely did cause when I came up to the hotel room they were cuddling and they were naked," Hailee states.

"Ooh!" The friends coo and look up at the circle.

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