Chapter 10

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Lauren taps her pencil against her desk as she counts down the time until she gets to Ms. Cabello's class after lunch. Ms. Kordei is teaching a lesson up in the bulletin board and notices that Lauren is spaced out.

"Ms. Jauregui?" She speaks up.

Lauren snaps back to reality and looks over at Ms. Kordei. "Yes?" She asks.

"Are you okay?" She tries to hide her smirk.

"Oh um yeah yeah I'm okay," Lauren clears her throat.

"Okay, the lessons up here not on your desk," Ms. Kordei states, and the class snickers.

On any other day, Lauren would have done something about it but she's way to focus on something else or someone. The bell finally rings and Lauren is the first one out of the classroom.

She makes sure no admin is watching and she walks to Ms. Cabello's classroom instead of the cafeteria. She slips in and Camila looks up from her paperwork.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you too actually come," Camila takes her glasses off.

She tosses Lauren the classroom keys and the green-eyed girl locks the door.  Camila stands up and turns the light off to make it seem light nobody's in here.

She motions for Lauren to get close but before their lips can connect she tilts her head to the side.

"Sike," She says.

Lauren groans and looks at her. "Rude," She says. 

Camila laughs and kisses Lauren's jaw. "You're not going with your girlfriend?" Camila asks.

Lauren pulls her by the waist and pins her against the door. "Today is your day," Lauren whispers.

"Like every A day from now on," Camila says.

Lauren unbuckles her belt and kisses every inch of skin on Camila's neck. Camila moans and fiddles with Lauren's shirt.

Lauren takes it off and moves Camila to her desk. Camila moans when her body hits her desk and she desperately takes Lauren's belt off.

Lauren lowers Camila's panties and moves her stuff to the ground. Lauren puts a condom on and slowly enters. Camila grips Lauren's shoulder and bites down on her lower lip to sustain a moan.

Lauren starts off slow but gradually picks up her pace. It didn't take long until both girls came undone. Once Lauren took off her condom her own sperm drizzled down.

Camila laughs and gets off the desk. Lauren clears her throat and fixes herself up.

"I'll see you in a bit," Lauren glances at the clock on the wall.

Camila kisses Lauren's collarbone and smiles. "Don't forget your shirt," She throws the cloth material at the green-eyed girl.

Lauren laughs and puts her shirt on.


It's so hard to not just go up to the front of the class and fuck Camila. That's what is going through Lauren's head right now as her eyes focus on Camila.

"Okay class, time for the quiz," Ms. Cabello claps her hands together.

She passes out the quiz papers and sets a paper down on Lauren's desk. Lauren looks up at her and takes off the sticky note.

-My desk is sticky thanks all to you

Lauren chuckles lightly and balls up the sticky note in her palm. She looks over at Camila since she's scrubbing at her desk.

Camila locks eyes with her and Lauren smiles. Camila returns it and Lauren starts taking the quiz.

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