Chapter 11

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Lauren sits down on the bench and smiles at Camila. They both went from disliking each other, to student and teacher, now to fuck buddies. Lauren leans forward and catches Camila's lower lip with hers.

Camila kisses Lauren back making Lauren bite her lower lip. Camila moves to sit on Lauren's lap but she remembers they are at a park with little kids present.

"Camila," Lauren mumbles. "There are little kids here," She whispers.

Camila pulls away and kisses Lauren one more time. "Then maybe we should go back to my house than," She suggests.

Lauren stands up and grabs her hand. She leads them to her car and they both get in. Once they arrive at Camila's house they enter immediately. The rest of the teachers and students look at the pair but they brush it off.

Camila jumps on Lauren, wrapping her legs around her waist. Lauren pins her against the wall grinding into her.

"There are other people here!" Dinah speaks up.

Lauren brushes her comment off and carries Camila to her room. The students and teachers downstairs all look at each other shipping the pair and cooing over it.

Lauren drops Camila on the bed with her on top of her. Lauren starts sucking on Camila's neck harshly, grazing her teeth over her skin. Camila lets out a moan and Lauren roughly takes off her denim shorts.

Lauren takes off her panties and quickly puts a condom on. She quickly slides in and starts moving slowly but hard. Camila digs her nails into Lauren's shoulder, moaning loud.

Lauren plants her palms on the mattress and starts pounding hard into her. Camila does a series of moans back to back. Lauren hides her face in Camila's shoulder feeling herself close.

Lauren pulls out having a different idea. Camila sits on Lauren's lap and slowly lowers on top of her shaft. Lauren lets out a satisfied sound, her hands flying to Camila's waist.

Camila starts going up and down, Lauren hitting all the right spots. Her hands rest on Lauren's shoulders letting another thread of moans.

"Fucking shit!" Camila groans.

"Oh fuck baby your pussy is fucking amazing," Lauren groans.

Camila lets out moans and inappropriate words feeling the white, hot liquid rushing to her center. Lauren starts cumming hard herself, Camila right behind her.

Lauren pulls out, Camila's liquid dripping. Camila takes off Lauren's condom and she licks up the previous cum.

She starts taking Lauren's dick down her welcoming throat. Lauren's hand helps her bob her head up and down. Lauren's already sensitive so it didn't take long to release her shit load of hot cum inside Camila's mouth.

Camila swallows her cum and stands up. Lauren takes her in her arms kissing her roughly. Camila laughs and pushes Lauren down on the bed. Lauren smiles and her hands go under Camila's shirt.

"Get dressed," Lauren whispers.

They get dressed and Camila sits on Lauren's lap again. Lauren kisses her jaw, down her neck, and lingers a kiss on her shoulder. Camila smiles and looks down at Lauren.

"Let's go downstairs," Lauren suggests.

Camila nods and both girls walk downstairs, kissing each other every once in a while. They enter the big living room and their friends look at them.

"Y'all should really be quieter," Dinah laughs.

Lauren flicks her off and sits down on the couch, pulling Camila by the arm. Camila sits on Lauren's lap, kissing her lips sweetly.

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