Chapter 9

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Lauren walks out to the parking lot but gets stopped by her girlfriend.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Lucy asks.

Lauren turns around and puts on a fake smile. "I uh my dad wants me home immediately," Lauren lies.

"Oh okay," Lucy smiles. She goes on her tippy toes and plants a kiss on Lauren's lips.

Once Lucy is out of Lauren's sight her eyes see Ms. Cabello this time. Lauren jumps and looks down at her feet.

"Ms. Jauregui," Camila walks up to her. Camila hands Shawn the keys to her car and he leaves them alone.

"Ms. Cabello," Lauren steps back whenever she steps forward.

Lauren gets pinned against her car and Ms. Cabello's body.

"Are you going to open the door for me?" Camila whispers.

Lauren slips out and opens the back door, throwing her backpack inside. She opens the passenger door and helps Camila.

Camila puts her seatbelt on and Lauren gets in, starting the car. Lauren starts driving to her house knowing nobody will be there.

Once they arrive both girls get out and Lauren opens her front door. She lets Camila in first and Lauren closed the front door.

"Nice house," Camila smiles.

"Wait till you see the main room," Lauren whispers.

Lauren leads her to a locked door and she takes the key out. Lauren unlocks the door and opens it. Camila walks in and her eyes widen.

Its a room without windows and it's dark. Lauren locks the door and turns Camila to face her. Camila wraps her arms around Lauren's neck and crashes their lips.

Lauren kisses back immediately, running her hands along Camila's amazing body. Lauren backs them up against the bed and lay down.

Camila's hand goes under her shirt, her fingertips tracing Lauren's abs. Lauren pulls away from Camila's lips and she takes her shirt off. Camila's eyes fill with lust when she sees Lauren's muscles flex.

"Fuck I never thought a student will be this fucking hot," Camila whispers.

"And I never thought a sexy ass teacher will have my big ass dick," Lauren whispers.

Camila plays with Lauren's belt and she takes it off. Camila turns them around so she's now on top of Lauren.

Camila kisses her roughly and unbuttons Lauren's pants. She pulls her pants down and Lauren's dick springs out.

Camila sits up and Lauren's hands lower the zipper of Camila's dress. Camila wiggles out of her dress and licks Lauren's tip.

Lauren breathes in and Camila starts sucking Lauren's dick. Lauren's hand grips Camila's dark locks as her dick goes down her welcoming throat.

Camila starts jerking off Lauren's hard dick. Lauren sits up and brings Camila onto her lap.

Lauren takes Camila's bra off and squeezes her breast. Camila moans and grinds on Lauren. Lauren takes in one of Camila's nipples and grazes her teeth over it.

Camila moans pushing Lauren's face more onto her chest. Once Lauren finished with her breast she lays them down again. Lauren puts on a condom because the last thing that she wants is to get Camila pregnant.

Lauren gets her on all fours and slowly slides in. Camila grips the sheets surprised that a kid like Lauren has a bigger dick than the grown men she was ever with.

Lauren starts pounding into her and Camila starts moaning. Lauren grips her locks once again and Camila bites her lower lip. Lauren slows down her pace so she can go slow and hard.

Camila lifts herself up and spreads herself wider for Lauren. Lauren smiles, her hand gliding over Camila's ass. She starts picking up her pace again and Camila stars cumming.

Lauren lets out a laugh and keeps going. Camila tightens around her and Lauren feels herself start cumming into the condom. She pulls out and sees Camila's cum dripping down.

She takes the condom off and lays down, kissing Camila on the lips.

"For a kid, you have a bigger dick and much better at sex," Camila explains.

Lauren laughs and looks up at the ceiling not believing what just happened.

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