34 ❆ "Who the hell-"

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Yang stood on the stage, watching the students file in and take their seats.

Her eyes lingered on Kim NamJoon and Park Jimin, especially Kim NamJoon, lately he's been silent and that has an eerie feeling crawling up her spine everytime she looked at him.

Once she knew everyone was comfortably seated, she began speaking, her four marshalles on either side of her.

"Tomorrow we will be starting the combined classes," a few whispers were heard before they stopped as quickly as they came, "Since there hasn't been warning of another attack recently and things have so far been running smoothly. The marshalle's and I are still figuring out what those shadow things were, but we get closer and closer everyday to figuring it out..."

Jimin couldn't help the scoff that escaped his throat, no one else heard it but NamJoon, who just nudged his boyfriend a bit before wrapping his arm around him.

"With these classes we will try new techniques and be refreshing older ones that you guys may have forgotten over the small break you've had. That is all for today, you're dismissed." Yang walked off the stage after, her marshalles still standing on the stage as the students filed out.

NamJoon and Jimin were the first to scurry off from everyone else, the two hand in hand as they walked over to the library.

Mrs. Eu didn't notice them.

They wasted no time as they walked up the stair case and to the second floor. Thankfully no one was there since they were still getting out of the auditorium from the assembly, which gave the couple enough time to get into the secret space.

The two worked quickly, Jimin creating the barrier of sound as NamJoon opened the space. Once he did, Jimin followed him inside and NamJoon created the branches that covered the hole to keep light from shining through.

Once they did all this, they both released the breathes they had been holding.

"That went smoother than expected," NamJoon commented as he and Jimin walked down the dirt path that seemed eerily familiar to them now.

Jimin nodded, skipping along the dirt path. That's until he stopped in his tracks and pulled NamJoon down for a kiss, which consisted of Jimin pulling him down by the collar and wrapping his arms around NamJoon's neck.

NamJoon didn't hesitate in kissing him back, he stood again, which caused Jimin to rise with him, the smaller's legs wrapping around his waist.

When they pulled away, Namjoon asked, "What was that for?"

Jimin giggled, his arms still around NamJoon's neck, "nothing, I just love doing rebellious stuff with you."

NamJoon laughed at that, not bothering in putting Jimin down and just walking them both the rest of the way towards the secret little area. NamJoon put Jimin down when they had arrived to it.

The two put the books they had grabbed before back where they belonged, then began looking through different ones, revealing different information they didn't know and that whomever created this place was trying to hide.

Jimin was nose deep in a book about elementals when he heard a soft creek, footsteps accompanying it.

The younger looked at NamJoon fretfully, NamJoon already walking to Jimin with a book in his hands, Jimin having his own.

"Who the hell-"

"Shut up!" NamJoon whisper-yelled, pulling Jimin into one of the corners between two of the book shelves farther away from the lights.

Jimin, desperate not to be seen, created a wall of a subtle fog. It wasn't opaque enough where it showed the white mist, but enough to cause a subtle deception which bought them enough time to see who the person was but not to be seen in return. NamJoon had Jimin pressed against his chest, Jimin keeping all his concentration on the barrier while NamJoon focused on who the person was.

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