40 ❆ The Kiss

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They walked slowly to the school, not rushing since they needed to talk.

"All it means is that we need to lay low, stay off her radar. Because we know damn well that Mrs. Eu's death wasn't an accident, so what else is that bitch willing to do?" NamJoon said, his hand interlocked with Jimin's.

The rest hummed, agreeing with him and also wondering the same thing.

How far would the Chancellor go to keep them from figuring out the truth.

After they got back to the academy, Hoseok and Yoongi went straight for the roof; they needed to talk away from the others.

Once they got there, Yoongi instantly enveloped Hoseok in a comforting hug.

"It's our fault, Yoon," Hoseok whispered, he felt guilty, they knew damn well Mrs. Eu was killed because she allowed them to get that information in the first place.

Yoongi shook his head, "No, it isn't, it's Victor's fault and partly her fault for telling him anything in the first place." The elder rubbed soothing circles on Hoseok's back.

Hoseok only pouted, holding onto Yoongi tighter; no words Yoongi assured him with would keep him from feeling guilty about what happened. Even though it wasn't their fault.

"We need to kiss." Yoongi stated as he pulled away from Hoseok, looking deeply into the fire elementals warm brown eyes, "The more we wait the more time Yang has to stop us."

Hoseok nodded, hugging himself in a protective manner. "It can't be up here though, we've gotten lucky the last few times but now that she knows we might not have that same luxury," Hoseok looked at Yoongi with the same intense gaze the elder was looking at him with.

Yoongi sighed, "Don't worry, i'll figure it out."


"You're lucky I love you," Songhee sassed, crossing her arms over her chest while Hayoon chuckled from beside her.

Yoongi laughed, standing near the two, "Thank you, both of you." Hoseok was already standing in the room, clearly fidgety.

Songhee and Hayoon agreed to let the two use their room to perform their next test, two days have already passed since Hoseok and Yoongi discussed it, Hayoon was more than willing, not asking any questions. Yoongi was thankful, but also suspicious, for that. They needed somewhere where no one would go inside unless they had too, and the only people who would already knew of what they were doing; so it was perfect.

"You're more than welcome to use my bed," Hayoon winked at the couple, finally pulling Songhee out of the room, the elder female blushing as they walked away from their dorm room.

It wasn't easy to sneak Hoseok into the frost elemental corridor, the only reason they got him there was because Hoseok wore a blue hoodie and covered his head so no one would see much of his hair nor face. Since you can't really dye an elementals hair temporarily. 

Yoongi made sure to lock the door before he turned to look at Hoseok.

The fire elemental gulped.

Yoongi walked closer to him, taking Hoseok's hands into his own, "I know you're nervous-"

"Nervous is an understatement," Hoseok interrupted, his hands clammy.

The frost elemental chuckled, "If something happens then we stop-"

"That's not why i'm nervous, Yoongi," Hoseok interrupted once more, interlocking his fingers with Yoongi's, "it's because i'm kissing my shadow soulmate for the first time, I could give two fucks about the fire and frost rumor."

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