23🔥"Yeah, i'm definitely fucked."

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Hi my dear sinners, just wanted to pop in and say I love you all so much and adore all your comments and support you're all my
Enjoy the chapter!

"Joonie, are you okay?" Jimin asked as they all walked out of the auditorium.

Jimin not even noticing his best friend follow a certain red haired fire elemental.

That should be interesting.

NamJoon pursed his lips, looking down at his boy friend, "Nothing, Minnie, i'm just-"

"Don't lie to me, Joon," Jimin pleaded, walking with the taller, "you always get this way when you're overthinking something."

Joon smiled a bit, adoring how Jimin already picked up his habits in their, a little over, a month of being together. NamJoon's been in love with Jimin for years, so he knows many, many, of Jimin's habits, but he didn't know that Jimin picked up most of his as well.

With admiration and love in his heart, Namjoon cupped Jimin's chubby cheeks and kissed him lovingly on the lips.

Jimin hummed into the kiss, placing his hands on the base of NamJoon's neck as they kissed without a care in the world. They didn't care for the people that they knew were looking at them or the teachers that could potentially catch them and discipline them for the PDA, it was only them in that sliver of a moment.

Kim NamJoon and Park Jimin.

"What did I do to deserve you?" NamJoon inquired as he held Jimin's hand in his own, the two walking towards the doors of the academy.

Jimin smiled his beautiful eye smile, skipping beside NamJoon, "Be your wonderful, handsome, intelligent, clumsy, lovable, soft, protective, self. Now, would you like to go to our secret spot to chat about what's on your mind, Mr. Kim?"

NamJoon chuckled, his dimples peeking through as he smiled, "Of course, Mr. Park."

Jimin giggled, loving how the earth elemental went along with him and didn't ask questions, pulling NamJoon with his small hands towards their gorgeous spot.

The spot where they got together, the spot where they fell in love.


Taehyung followed the fire elemental, despite how quickly SeokJin was walking away from him.

"Jin, please!" Taehyung yelled after him, the two away from the other people who had been exiting the auditorium prior.

SeokJin had been talking to Hoseok, the two deciding what they'd do with their extra time, with Jin questioning Hoseok's distant behavior. Though, before they could decide Taehyung had walked up to them, with full intention to speak to SeokJin. Jin was about to walk away and say Hoseok and him were doing something, that was until Hoseok smiled and walked away from both of them.

Jin would for sure get him back for that one later.

Now here Jin was, walking away from Taehyung because he didn't want to confront the younger male. He didn't want Taehyung to apologize for what he saw, or apologize and say how he didn't feel the same way Jin does and is sorry for giving off mixed signals, he didn't want to hear any of it so he thought his best bet would be to run away from Tae until the younger gave him.

Alas, Taehyung wasn't giving up.

Jin has liked Tae since Taehyung came into the school, immediately finding himself attracted to the beautiful Earth elemental. Taehyung just had an aura to him that drew people in, and when Jin really got to know him he'd be stupid to not develop feelings for the younger boy.

Though, those feelings he's had for the last 2 years are what are hurting him.

"J-jin, w-wait-"

The only reason SeokJin actually stoped is because he hears a heavy thud behind him and when he turned around Taehyung was on the ground breathing heavily, it seemed like he was about to pass out.

He quickly ran over, on his knees next to the younger male, "Tae? Taehyung, are you alright?" he lifts the younger into his arms, not expecting Taehyung to smirk as he pushed Jin back and straddled his hips.

Thank the heavens they were near one of the hallways no one ever walked by.

"There," Taehyung huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, "now you can't run away from me as I try to talk to you."

SeokJin cursed to himself, he completely forgot how good of an actor Taehyung truly is and now has fallen for the youngers clever trick.

"Jinnie," Tae began, Jin sighed, "i'm sorry-"

"I don't want to hear it, Taehyung, I get it, you like Jungkook and it's my fault for walking in on you two," SeokJin interrupted, Tae pouting as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He grabbed the collar of Jin's shirt and pulled him up, next thing Jin knew he was being hugged by all the strength Taehyung's body could muster. He had his arms wrapped around Jin's neck, his head buried near Jin's nape, while Jin was frozen in place.

"I'm conflicted," Taehyung confessed, not moving from his spot as Jin listened, "I don't only like Jungkook, I like you too, Jinnie, a lot. It's selfish of me, I know, but I just never find myself liking one of you more than the other or disliking one of you more than the other. And it doesn't help that you two are completely different elementals who can't even make contact. I haven't said any of this to Jungkook because I know how he is, but I wanted to give you a proper explanation."

Jin sat there, shocked out of his mind, he didn't even consider the possibility that Tae could like not only Jungkook, but him as well.

Tae slowly lifted up his head, his lips still in the form of a pout. Taehyung did make sure to not press his ass on Jin's more... Private areas.

With a smirk forming on his plump lips, Jin leaned up and pressed his lips against Taehyung's. He wanted proof that Tae liked him too.

Tae, who wasn't expecting the sweet sensation of Jin's lips against his own or the grip Jin had on his thighs, tightened his grip around Jin's neck and kissed him back with the same amount of fever Jin was kissing him with. SeokJin deepened their kiss, his head tilting as Tae bit on his plush bottom lip softly.

Taehyung was left dizzy once they pulled away, muttering under his breath, "Yeah, i'm definitely fucked."

I love me some Taejin

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