28 ❆ "What the hell-"

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As Hoseok and Yoongi were shitting their pants from the new information they have recently gathered, NamJoon and Jimin were a floor under them getting their own information they know they definitely shouldn't have their hands on.

The two weren't looking into the same thing Hoseok and Yoongi were, no, their re-search was more around how those creatures could move the way they did and how their creation was even possible. This led them to the library.

The library in their school has been around for years, since the young years of the academy. In it was information dating back to the 1400's, when elementals were first appearing and coming out of their shadows, where supernatural creatures were sick of hiding. After years of war with humans, Aesthete was created, where elementals could be free and use their ability as they pleased.

What? NamJoon paid attention in history class.

When they approached the librarian, she seemed annoyed, which had Jimin and NamJoon wondering why but not questioning it.

Simply, they asked her for history about elementals, and she was more than glad to direct them to the second floor where it focused mainly on the history of elementals and their abilities.

The two had no clue Hoseok and Yoongi were above them.

It was NamJoon's clumsiness that led them to information they knew the academy wanted hidden.

"Joonie!" Jimin whisper yelled, NamJoon's hand literally through one of the shelves from how hard he was trying to get a book out.

One of the books NamJoon was trying to get out wouldn't budge, as if it was glued in place. Annoyed, he kept trying to yank it out while Jimin continued to browse through the other books that said no information he didn't already know.

NamJoon became so frustrated he just tapped his head on the books and then pushed them out of aggravation, not expecting the books that wouldn't budge to fall to the other side.

Where a wall definitely should have been.

Jimin had thankfully used his wind to keep the rest of the library from hearing them, kind of like how Yang amplified her voice.

"I promise it wasn't on purpose," NamJoon assured, not even looking at Jimin as he peered into the gaping hole staring back at him.

Curious, Namjoon looked at Jimin, "How long can you hold that sound thing?"

Jimin placed his hand on his hip, his eyes morphing to their cloudy white as he gave NamJoon a sassy expression, "As long as you need, baby."

NamJoon chuckled, signalling from Jimin to do just that.

As Jimin used his ability so no one knew how much sound they were making, NamJoon moved the book shelf that was connected to the book shelf that had the hole; by using his Earth ability to sprout some vines to move it. Once it was moved enough where he could fit in-between, he walked over to the shelf, noticing the small latch that was covered by the other shelf.

"Minnie, come here!" NamJoon whisper yelled, said male walking over while making sure to still control the sound.

"What is- What the hell is that?" Jimin inquired, staring at the gold latch.

NamJoon shrugged, flipping the latch upwards. He quickly backed up when the whole shelf moved inwards towards where that gaping hole was, his eyes wide along with Jimin's.

"What the hell-" Jimin walked in before NamJoon, the elder cursing to himself before following his curious boyfriend.

Once NamJoon walked in the shelf moved back in its place, NamJoon hearing the shelf he had previously moved shift back into the position it was in before. Torches lit up all around them, casting a glow in the dark hall-way they were in.

"Joon, you need to cover that hole before someone notices we're in here," Jimin stated, NamJoon nodding as he used branches to cover the hole, preventing the light from shining on the other side.

NamJoon took Jimin's hand in his own, the two staring down the ominous hallway. The floor was made of dirt and so were the walls, they were both surprised something like this actually existed besides in mystery books they read as children.

"Well isn't this tastefully creepy," Jimin commented as he pulled NamJoon along, if they were going to be in this creepy hallway then they might as well get information out of it.

As they moved down the hallway, they noticed it took a dip to the right and led lower. The couple looked at each other before nodding and following the path, both on high alert the entire time, ready to strike at any moment.

What they didn't expect was a mini library, way smaller than the one they were just in, almost the size of their bedrooms. The floor was marble and walls were glimmering, around them were sets of books, not many, they were thick and someone was clearly trying to hide them.

"What the actual hell," NamJoon muttered as he walked over to a book that read Black Magik, the title was alluring.

While Jimin grabbed another one from one of the lower shelves.

As they read through the books, NamJoon suddenly gasped, running over to his boyfriend and crouching down to where Jimin was seated.


"Look!" NamJoon thrusted the book into Jimin's hands, the wind elemental staring at it with a raised eyebrow before reading.

With the power that courses through a witches veins, you'd think it would be enough. Though, it isn't, never would be. Black Magik is something no witch should meddle with, it comes with repercussions no one is willing to endure, unless they've gone completely mad. Blood Magik falls under black magik, where one puts their own essence into a spell, whether to control something, or even, someone-

"Witches?" Jimin's eyes were wide as he looked at his boyfriend, who was now reading the book Jimin was with a serious expression, though he looked at Jimin when he heard him speak.

NamJoon nodded, his expression troubled, "What if what ever is attacking us isn't an elemental?"

Jimin's breath caught in his throat at NamJoon's next sentence.

"What if it's a witch?"

dun dun dun

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