77.5⚡Malchin and Akane

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Songhee allowed the water to envelop her, she squeezed Yoongi's hand to make sure he was okay, and he squeezed back to confirm he was.

She muttered the spell briefly before closing her eyes and searching for anything, something, to help her figure out what really happened to Akane.

Jimin, before she went in, had given her the advice to not just look for Akane, but to look for people who were related to her; like Akida or Malchin, because she'd probably see more by surfing through their memories.

Songhee's eyes snapped open, revealing her light oceanic blue, when she found something related to Akane. She just didn't know who.

Not until she was in their memory.

She stood up from where she was dropped on the grass, she looked around, noticing she was outside of the pond and saw a back turned to her. Cautiously, she walked over to the person, in her misted form she could be as loud as she wanted, since she was only observing.

When she walked closer to them, she finally realized it was Malchin she was looking at, and when she looked at what he was looking at her eyes widened in horror and she covered her mouth as she gasped.

Akane's body was hung from a tree, her legs dangling as her head faced down towards the water below her lifelessly. Her skin was a sick gray, her long orange hair covering most of her features. A bone was portruding from one side of her neck, her veins no longer blue, where the rope was wrapped around her, purple was emitting from the raw bruising.

Her eyes were open, staring into the water.

Songhee, recovering from her shock, furrowed her eyebrows, "So she did commit suicide? It wasn't fake."

Which meant she was brought back, but how?

Malchin was sobbing, punching the grass to express his emotional turmoil through physcial aggression. Screams escaping his throat, begging for Akane to come back, and hating that he didn't stop her. His tears falling into the pond since his head was perched over it.

Before Songhee could witness anymore of his anguish, she was whisked into another memory of Malchin's, her stomach churning uncomfortably from the feeling.

This time, she saw a funeral, Akane's and Joonwae's to be exact, she watched silently as the priest spoke.

Outside, in the graveyard where souls lay to rest, everyone was gathered to mourn the loss of two of their own, Akane Saito and Kang Joonwae. Their caskets were beside each other, both closed to respect the families.

Songhee became suspicious of that.

Akida and Malchin were at the front, both holding in their tears, but not holding each other like they should've. It was their daughter after all, but no, Malchin was just staring at Akida with malice everytime she tried to make eyecontact with him.

Council members were standing emotionlessly, Cashel had tears running down his face, clear guilt in his eyes. Mrs. Eu standing beside him, a clear belly showing, Songhee not needing to guess when she looked at her, she was definitely pregnant.

Songhee assumed since Malchin's tears were in the pond, it's the reason she is seeing this memory, which stung, since she felt everything Malchin did, hate, resentment, regret, anguish, anger.

She was soon whisked into a memory that actually furthered her theory, it was of Malchin and a woman with solid black hair, a color no elemental possessed. Which pushed Songhee to realize, "She's a witch."

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