148 ❆ ut malum aliquid ponere in vanum

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(above text states may the evil spirit lay in vain in Latin)

Hoseok, Yoongi, and Soyeon walked out of the house with slight fear in every step they took.

They'd be fighting Jeon Jiwoo, the most powerful witch in Caroban, one whom centuries of people couldn't defeat. Even if they tried their very hardest, they'd always end up dead.

Soyeon held the weapon in a tight grip, her eyes boring into her mother who stood on the field with a smirk. The reason she was going to kill Jiwoo is because one, she wanted revenge for what she's done to her family, and two, because it will ensure her death that her direct descendant kills her once and for all.

"Are you ready for this, Soyeon?" Yoongi asked, the three inches away from the place everyone else was fighting, Dion joining Seokjin in fighting off Zhan and Yibo.

Soyeon looked up at Yoongi, she nodded, one that held no hesitation, her expression serious, "I want her dead, she's not leaving here alive."

Yoongi and Hoseok nodded, agreeing whole heartedly with her words.

Hoseok and Yoongi walked beside each other, their hands interlocked as they did so, each step screaming a reason why they were doing this in the first place, their purpose.


For Fera.


For the ones who lost their lives in those fights at the Academy.


For the future generations of witches and elementals.


For all the OneeOnia dragons and Phoenix's she helped destroy.


For the innocent people she's killed.


For the ones she took power from.


For the ones she tormented.


For revenge.

"De Phoenix ignis, et gelu, fugiebatque somnus ab OneeOnia suscipientem, ut repellere umbra pythonissam (fire of the phoenix, frost of the OneeOnia, combine to repel the shadow of the witch)!" Hoseok and Yoongi shouted in unison, since it was simple for them to be in sync, both their eyes morphing into the Phoenix and OneeOnia version as they thrusted their hands towards Jiwoo, Soyeon doing the same with her black magik.

Though, Jiwoo was prepared for them.

The power from the spell was caught in a black orb she created, and with a smirk she threw it back at them, causing all of them to fly backwards, their ears ringing and eyes stinging. Soyeon quickly grabbed the weapon, securing it in her thigh harness.

Jiwoo walked closer to them, a domineering expression sculpted onto her features, "That spell worked on me last time, I must admit, but fool me once i'll admit my fault, fool me twice and your head will fall," she said this in a chirpy tone, her shadows suddenly around all of them and holding them down.

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