107🔥 "Let's meet the families."

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this chapter is very long
And not edited the best, sorry loves

Jimin stood in front of his home with mixed feelings, his bag clenched tightly in his fists.

He didn't know whether he should've been happy to be home, or nervous.

He ran a hand through his silver hair, which had grown longer through the last couple months, "You're going to be okay, Jimin," he assured himself, exhaling a deep breath as he walked through the gates of his home.

Jimin grew up in Tejomaya, which were he met Taehyung and found out they were sun souls. Taehyung is his next door neighbor, and the two would probably be visiting their parents together if it weren't for Taehyung's odd behavior, which Jimin hasn't gotten to the bottom of yet. He was just hoping it was because Taehyung missed home and that after this trip he'd be back to his normal self.

Though right now, Jimin was focusing on his other family.

"Jiminie!" his mother screamed as she walked, more like ran, out of the front door and straight towards her son. She wrapped her arms tightly around him, hugging him with all the might she could muster, "I missed you so much, baby."

Jimin teared up, wrapping his arms around his mother and hugging her just as tight, "I missed you too, mom." he didn't expect to become choked up, or for his voice to quaver under his mother's grip.

He didn't realize how much he actually missed home until he was back.

When Jimin saw his father is when he really started crying, tears going down his chubby cheeks as his dad held him close. His parents knew about the attacks, they were well aware one of those warnings went through their son, and they were so happy he was actually okay. Sure, he had some scars, but they didn't take away from his beauty.

His mother made sure to cook his favorite meal, more than glad her son was home and under her roof. Away from that Academy.

Jimin's brother, Jihyun, teased Jimin the whole time he was there. Asking too many questions about the Academy and everything that's happened.

It got the point Jimin threw him back using his wind ability, Jihyun just laughing as he countered his brother with his own wind.

Jihyun was also a Wind elemental, most Park's were, and the few that weren't were considered gems.

Once dinner was over, Jimin remained at the table with his parents, who were both wind elementals, though his mother was the one from the Park bloodline, "I'm weak, sure I can have bursts of energy, of power, but I can't do it for too long. Thinking about it, I was never able to use my ability for too long without feeling exhausted afterward. Is there a reason why?" he asked his mother, his father casting a glance at the woman.

She sighed into her cup of tea, she pressed her lips together before responding, "Us Parks are blessed with immense power, even from an early age we're are more powerful than some older wind elementals, but with that blessing comes, what can be considered, a curse, we can't use the ability for too long. We have low stamina when it comes to our ability, and it's something Parks need to work on fixing, it's rigorous work to get that stamina up."

Jimin nodded while thinking, he burst out, "Mom, I need too work on it, I need to build it up while i'm here. I'm going to need it."

Mr. and Mrs. Park gave each other a glance before looking back at their son, "Are you positive? It's going to be tough work, Jiminie, especially if you want to get it up over the next week."

Jimin didn't hesitate when he nodded, "Please."

With his confirmation known, his parents nodded.

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