104 ❆ "This is far from over."🔥

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"Chancellor Yang is dead!"


"Yang and Akane are dead!"

"Does that mean it's over?"

"Do you see these monsters disappearing, than no, Samantha!"

Voices flew around the field like snowflakes, dropping in others ears even if they didn't want to hear them.

Hayoon sat next to her mothers lifeless body, her brother on the other side, and Yeonie sitting next to Hayoon. Yes, as everyone else was fighting for their lives, they were just sitting by the two dead bodies.

Hayoon heard some of the voices around them, one thing one of them said catching her ear and actually intriguing her brain.

Why wasn't everything over?

Akane was dead, they killed Akida, that was the end goal and they finally reached it. So why were the creatures still there and why weren't they stopping?

As if Yeonie and Donghan could read her mind, they all stood, walking over to where Jiwoo had finally settled on the grass. The woman was staring placidly at the destruction, like it was an everyday TV show she enjoyed binging.

"Jiwoo, what the hell? Mom's dead, why aren't the creatures going away?" Hayoon asked, annoyed, she just lost her mother, she didn't want to deal with this anymore. She wanted to grieve in peace.

Jiwoo, who had shut her eyes, hummed, "Because I don't want them too."

Donghan furrowed his eyebrows, confused, "But it's over?"

This time a laugh escaped Jiwoo's lips, her eyes opened to reveal their ominous black, which the others would never admit they're afraid of. What she said next made their skin crawl:

"This is far from over."

Jiwoo stood, throwing her hands out as she screamed latin mixed with greek words the others didn't understand. They ran out of the way, watching as shadows spilled out of her hands like black ink, some of them even red. They grew to the size of trees, everyone, students and council members alike, looking over at the creation with undeniable fear.

"You're either on my side or you're not, you may choose, i'll give you a head start," Jiwoo taunted, looking over at the three with a cocky smirk, the creatures still growing in front of them.

Hayoon, Jeongyeon, and Donghan looked over at each other, all of them sharing a glance. They were sun souls, they were all in this together. Jiwoo had been an aunt to them as they grew up.

But now, she was an enemy.

They all ran towards the others, abandoning Jiwoo and joining the side Hayoon has wanted to switch too since she fell in love with Songhee.

Taehyung was the first to notice the shift, watching as Hayoon, Jeongyeon, and Donghan cut their palms. He had only stopped fighting, his boyfriends protecting him, because one of the ice creatures left a deep, nasty, cut on his shoulder blade. He'd live, but it hurt like a bitch.

Hayoon, Jeongyeon, and Donghan let their blood fall on the creatures, only one of them, but what seemed to be the biggest one, the scariest looking one, the leader of the soldiers. The rest of the group eventually looked at what Taehyung was looking at, SeokJin and Jungkook right next to their boyfriend.

"Transfer felicius mihi per virtutem sanguinis sui, ut mihi!" (Transfer your power to me through the blood that's my own) they screamed in unison, the students relieved when the creatures stopped attacking them and instead just stood in their places in front of the three.

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