109 ❆ "W-witch!"

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some 16+ right off the bat that switches to sumin else REAL quick sooo, enjoy!

SeokJin moaned as Jungkook kissed down his bare chest, licking down his stomach before going back up near his throat, sucking on a particular spot that had SeokJin taking a harsh hold of his blue hair and pressing their lips together aggressively.

Jungkook straddled Jin's hips, the elder's hands wrapping around Jungkook's bare waist and pulling their bodies closer as his tongue went into the youngers mouth, which had Jungkook moaning with the first touch of their tongues.

Taehyung, who was behind SeokJin, kissed down his older boyfriend's neck, licking up said area and biting down on his ear lobe, while his hand moved to palm the elder through his pants.

Jin threw his head back at the feeling of Taehyung's hand, Jungkook's lips moving to his jaw.

Today had to be Jin's lucky day, since his boyfriends decided to treat him instead of it being the other way around, usually.

They were in Taehyung's room, since Jimin was with NamJoon, the tension escalating. Jungkook was the first one to press his lips against Jin's and rip off the elder's uniform shirt and jacket.

Since he's been marshalle he hasn't really been near them much or had the time to be with them, so the moment they got to be alone with him for longer than a couple minutes, they took advantage of.

Jungkook and SeokJin already had their shirts off, Jungkook working to get Jin's pants off, it was just Tae still had his shirt on.

"Baby, take off your shirt," SeokJin pleaded in his lustful haze, pulling on the fabric and trying his best, from his position, to get it off of Taehyung's body.

That's when something in Taehyung snapped, his eyes widening as he shook his head.

"N-no-" he pushed Jin's hands away, causing the elder to raise an eyebrow, "I want too... um, k-keep it on." he stammered out, trying to give Jin his best disarming smile.

Jungkook stopped taking off Jin's pants and looked at the earth elemental, confused, "You, want to keep it on?"

Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook chuckled, running a hand through his already damp blue hair, "Baby, it's easier to do this when you don't have a shirt on. Plus, you're always the first one to take your shirt off."

Taehyung just huffed, crossing his arms, "I want to keep it on."

"It's going to come off eventually, baby, just-" SeokJin reached for the fabric again, taking a hold of the hem.

That's when Taehyung screamed out, "NO STOP!" he didn't want to scream, he wanted them to see it, but whatever was in him, that bug, was preventing him from allowing them to do so, "I'm not in the mood anymore, get out."

Taehyung got off the bed abruptly, walking to the bathroom and slamming the door shut. Jungkook and SeokJin left on the bed, hearing the door click which meant Tae had locked it.

Jungkook and SeokJin looked at each other, both of them not moving as they heard the shower turn on.

"He hasn't been okay for the last couple days," SeokJin commented, laying himself back on the bed, he stared at the ceiling.

Before he could verbalize another one of his internal thoughts, he felt Jungkook get off of the bed and march towards the bathroom door.


Jungkook froze the door handle, and with one swift strike he broke it off completely and pushed the door open. He wasn't going to leave this alone, he wasn't going to just let Taehyung walk off without an explanation for his bizarre behavior over the last couple days.

So he was going to confront him.

He marched into the bathroom, pulling the shower curtain open and glaring at Taehyung.

Though his glare softened when he saw his back, especially the black rays and the bug crawling under his skin.

Taehyung turned around, petrified, which matched Jungkook's new expression.

Before Taehyung could say anything to Jungkook, his eyes changed into an ominous black. He thrusted his hand out, the door slamming shut and a block covering the hole Jungkook had created, Jungkook able to hear SeokJin's footsteps though everything blurred out when he felt Taehyung's hand wrapped tightly around his throat and pressing him against the wall.

"You kids don't know when to fucking quit, do you?" a female voice spoke out from Taehyung, his boyfriends head tilting and a smirk forming on his face as he choked the life out of Jungkook.

"W-witch!" Jungkook managed to speak out, Taehyung letting out a chuckle.

"It's Jiwoo," she pressed even harder through Taehyung's body, Jungkook grabbing Taehyung's wrists and trying to pull him off but he had extra strength thanks to that witch.

Jungkook formed an ice ball, trying to swing it at Taehyung's head but Taehyung's head snapped in the direction and stopped it with just his eyes, he was still choking Jungkook while making his hand cramp up to drop the ball. 

The younger felt his limbs go limp, he could barely feel them or hear anything around him as everything just blurred out of focus.

SeokJin used his whisp to burn the door down, the male kicking in the wood so he could go inside. His chest was heaving and eyes were a fiery orange, and when he saw the sight in front of him he just got angrier.

He ran up to them, putting Tae in a choke hold of his own and pulling him off Jungkook, Tae's hands flew to his arm while Jungkook fell from where he was on the wall. Taehyung's eyes still black.

"I'm sorry, baby," SeokJin mumbled in Tae's ear before pressing on a spot above his adams apple extra hard, choking him even harder until he felt Taehyung's body go limp in his arms.

He placed Taehyung on the ground, running over to Jungkook, who was knocked out, and picked his youngest boyfriend up. He shut off the water, tapping Jungkook's face, "Jungkookie," he called, shaking his boyfriend, "baby wake up, please," he shook him harder, eventually loosing his patience and turning on the water again to it's coldest setting and spraying it right in Jungkook's face.

Jungkook shot up with a start, his bare chest heaving up and down as he stared at the knocked out Taehyung and then at SeokJin.

He just fell into Jin's arms, the elder holding him close as they stared at their boyfriend, "We have to tell the others."

"I know," SeokJin agreed, sighing, "why did this have to happen?"

Jungkook chuckled dryly, sitting up and staring at the fire marshalle, "Because we apparently can't ever just catch a break."

At this SeokJin gave out the same dry, unamused, chuckle, the two moving to put some clothes on Taehyung and get the others.

Including their new Chancellor.

Yes Taehyung was naked the entire time, yes Jungkook and SeokJin were shirtless.

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