117 ☾ "Sit down, elementals"

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Soyeon sat criss-cross as the others stared at her, some with narrowed eyes, others with kind smiles

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Soyeon sat criss-cross as the others stared at her, some with narrowed eyes, others with kind smiles.

The amount that were staring at her with narrowed eyes out weighed the ones who were looking at her kindly.

"I promise, I just want to help you guys," she assured for what felt like the hundredth time, she could sense the suspicion radiating off of them and just wanted to make sure they knew she was on their side.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest, "Why would you do that when your mother just turned us down?"

Soyeon sighed, staring right back at Jimin with a raised eyebrow yet, at the same time, with an expression that remained neutral, "Because I'm not my mother, I understand the consequences of Jiwoo genociding elemental kind and I want to make sure that doesn't happen. I'll do a fucking truth spell on myself to prove it, I want to help, I want to protect my people from that psycho."

NamJoon and Hayoon shook their heads at almost the same time, though NamJoon was the one who spoke.

"That won't be necessary, we believe you, it's just trust and everything." he told, glaring at his boyfriend to calm the hell down.

Jimin did so, but he and Donghan threw Soyeon one more glare before looking away.

Hayoon rubbed her eyes, since she hadn't slept and it was still night fall, "How do you plan to help us?"

Soyeon smiled, taking off her bag and settling down on the grass, she was equally as exhausted as Hayoon, "maybe I could explain in the morning, when everyones up and we can properly understand each other."

Hayoon gave her a thumbs up before falling back onto the ground.

Sleep enveloping her like an invisible blanket.


"I have a friend, he's older than me, but I know when he hears your guys' point he'll help us. He's powerful, but the only problem is he lives in the city," Soyeon explained the following morning, when everyone was awake and munching on some food that was grown by Jeongyeon or they'd packed.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, his back against Jungkook's chest, "Why would that be a problem?"

"Our hair," Donghan responded, throwing himself back on the ground and groaning dramatically.

Soyeon chuckled before nodding and gesturing towards him, "Witches or warlocks can't have red, orange, blue, white, brown, or silver hair, it isn't possible. We can either have solid black or variations of pink, purple, and blonde." she explained, moving her hands and occasionally running them through her hair as she spoke, "so i'd have to cast a spell to change your hair colors, it's the only way we'd get into the city unnoticed and without raising suspicion."

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