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: ̗̀➛☽︎

"ADELYN?" The voice was muffled as the girl's ears rang. She sat there unmoving as Allison called out to her. Allison's shock had already subsided, allowing her to become more aware of what is happening. She pulled the Tate out of her seat, believing that she had no clue what was going on. The Argent thought that she didn't know about werewolves, especially about Scott being one. She was completely wrong.

Adelyn stayed quiet as they exited the bus, hoping that the Argents wouldn't to be suspicious of her. She had no idea what to do, she was alone with the people who had been trying to kill her and her friends. "Are you two okay?" Chris' voice seemed to snap the girl out of her daze. He looked between the two girls, reassuring them that everything was okay. Then pushed them towards his vehicle, forcing Adelyn to go with them.

On the way to the Argent household, Allison and her father had a quiet conversation as Adelyn still processed what was happening. She heard bits and pieces, like how Allison's aunt had been leaving her clues. Adelyn didn't even need to see his face to know that Argent was pissed, she could smell it. 

Adelyn realized that she was going to have to been one hell of an actress if she wanted to live through tonight. She knew that Scott had already been figured out, but as far as the Argents know, there were only two betas. Scott and Derek.

As soon as they walked into the house, Argent told the girls to go to Allison's room. The two listened, they both sat in silence after they changed clothes, Adelyn borrowing some from Allison. "Are you alright? You seem really freaked out and I realize that your bestfriend just turned into a werewolf in front of you but-" Allison whispered, trying to keep quiet, as if she didn't want to startle Adelyn with her voice. When Adelyn looked up at the girl, the expression on her face made Allison stop talking.

"Allison, you can't tell anyone what I'm about to say okay?" Adelyn's voice was low as she knew the Argents were already on edge and probably listening to everything. The Tate focused her hearing on Chris' voice, making sure they were still downstairs. When Allison nodded, she spoke again. "I knew that he was a werewolf."

"Really? You seemed so scared, I thought you didn't know." Allison breathed out, seeming almost relieved.

"I was scared because of your dad, not Scott." Adelyn explained, still halfway listening to the conversation occurring downstairs. Chris was angry with Kate, but every time he'd try to argue, she would deflect it. Allison furrowed her eyebrows as Adelyn wasn't looking at her. She watched the girl tuck her hair behind her ear, causing the realization to set in.

"Oh, my god." Allison covered her mouth with her hand and backed away slightly. Adelyn raised her hands up, shaking her head. "You're a werewolf!" The Argent whisper yelled, pointing at her.

"Please don't tell him." The girl begged, hoping her friend wouldn't get scared and rat her out. "Al, I'm not going to hurt you or anyone for that matter. I didn't want this, I was dragged in." She quickly placed her argument.

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