Chapter 2

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//Logan's P.O.V\\

'Not' that was all what the man said and I was screaming.

My bedroom door opened. My eyes shot right up too it and I seen my little brother come in.

I move over and he slips in under my blanket. He put a his head down on the pillow on faces me.

"Logan. You alright?" Chase asks

"Yeah. Little Man, just a bad dream"

"Was it the man? He said he came too you"

"Chase. What does he want. My dream was, you went missing. So I checked your room and he was standing over your bed. What does that mean?"

"He wants you to know that he is after you. He wants to speak to you. And never say no. Or he will hurt someone you love" he says

"Did you say no?"

"I'm sorry Logan. I didn't mean too. I wasn't thinking I regret it. He's after you"

"Shhh. He's just a nightmare. He's not real. Now lets get some sleep" I say

I curl up my feet and pull the blanket right up too my nose. I close my eyes and rest my head on top of chases. And start to fall asleep again.

When I wake up. I see chase is on the floor. I laugh because he saying stuff, like he's normal dreams.

I pull my feet over the side and slip on my slippers and walk to the door, but I get stopped by chase saying something.

'If you wanna kill someone kill me Michael. She's done nothing'

I turn around and walk over to where he is lying on the floor and shake him.

"Chase come on mate wake up. It's 9:30" I say and his eyes start to slowly open.

"10 more minutes" he says rolling to his side.

"Fine then. I'm going Calum's later to help him look after Baby Lauren" I say and his eyes open.

"Uncle Calum's and Aunty Joy's?" He asked

"Yes" I say.

There not related to us. Our families are really close. Our Moms met at high school, in year 7. They was put together on a table and they hated each other apparently. But when they was walking home, they started to talk and then they was friends.

So me and Calum were born into a great family bond. Calums older then me by 5 days. How I hate him for that. I could have been older by no, I was like. I'm going to be born on the 30th no earlier or later.

We went to school with each other and then met a boy called Luke. I remember how he always flirted with me, and i hated it. Its not the Luke isn't attractive because hell if that's the case I would be lying. It was because were was too young. If we were older then yeah I would have dated him.

"Im going in 30 minutes so either. Get dressed and I take you to Nathans or you can come with me and be bored with babies"

"Nathans thanks"

"Thought so. Okay in going to get a shower" I say and walk towards the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and let it run for about 5 minutes till I jump in the shower. I was my hair with my strawberry shampoo and rinse it out. I shave my legs and just stand there for 2 minutes before getting out.

I grab my towel and wrap it around my body and walk out to my room. I open my wardrobe and grab a plain black shirt and my tie-dye blue jeans and put them on.

I plug in my hairdryer and blow dry my hair. When it is half dry, I pulled it up into a messy pony.

I walk out my room slipping on my shoes and standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Chase come i, I want to go" I shout and he comes running down stairs putting on his jacket.

I  walk to the drivers side of my car and sit and chase does the same. I put on my belt and start to drive.

"When did your dreams start?" I asked chase out of no where.

"Like 4 months ago. Coming to a end now"  he says looking down at his phone

"How do you know its coming to a end?" I ask

"I shouldn't tell you" he says and I just look at him quickly as I'm driving. "Fine I'll tell you"

"Thank you"

"Okay. I know its coming to a end because he's got what he came for. And as soon as he got what he wants he either leaves you alone or comes after you again. When you no expecting it"

"What was your first dream?"

"It was me Calum and you at a park. I was playing on my own as you and Calum was talking  about school work. When I went to play in the swings I seen a man. He was looking at me and I didn't know what to do. So I turned around and you and Calum was walking to the shop. So I turned back to face him and he was right behind me. He told me to do something but I never did. So that's how come he's after you" he says

"What did he want you to do?"

"Make you and Calum fall out. You and Him where to close for his liking. To close for just being friends. I told him you too where going out but he never believed me"

"You tried yo lie to him to save me?"

"Yeah. Because your the only one I care about. Mom doesnt care anymore. Just you"

"You do know. Anything that happens I will always be with you not matter what" I say pulling into Nathans drive

"Same. Speak later pick me up at 4 please" he says and I nod

Now of to Calums



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