Death? Nope!

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"Dad! Stop I have to go to school!" I laughed and tried to escape him.

"Come give daddy-o a hug!" He moved around the table and I made a face of disgust.

"Don't call yourself daddy-o that's gross." I stopped and hugged him.

"Just remember, if that Parker kid tries hump my daughter, I will kill him." I tried to escape his arms.

"Gross, don't say it like that! Peter and I are barely starting a relationship, there is nothing to worry about." He held my tight in his grasp. I finally wiggled out and grabbed my bag.

"I mean it young lady, if your gonna have sex, wrap that shit up! Don't do what I have already done." He grabbed his mask and I hugged Al.

"Jesus Wade, she knows better than to turn out like you." Al remarked and I giggled.

"Look I will see you both tonight, but I gotta go." I left the apartment seeing Peter waiting outside.

"Hey! Sorry my dad was lecturing me." I held his hand as we began walking to your school.

"When will I get to meet him?" I tensed and almost faltered.

"I don't know if its such a good idea, he can be a bit much." I kept my sight towards the ground.

"I am sure it will be fine, what's the worst that can happen?"

Al ran her hands until she felt the bag. I watched my dad cautiously as he stared at Peter. A Burger King crown on his head and he sipped from his kiddie cup.

"So you're Parker?" He simply asked and I prepared for the questions to begin.

"Yes, Mr. Wilson." I watched Peter gulp. I warned him, I warned him that my father can be a bit too much.

"So your the one trying to bang my daughter." It came out more of a statement that a question.

"I- Those aren't my-" Peter stuttered before he was interrupted

"Ignore him, hun. He is all show, no play." Al commented biting into her burger. I didn't touch my food. I was nervous enough that if anything I ate would come back right up.

"No Al, I want to know what his intentions are."

"Dad stop, you're embarrassing me."

"Thats my job honey bear." He looked at me and continued to glare at Peter.

"Mr. Wilson-"

"Don't call me that, makes me sound old." Dad remarked and crossed his arms.

"I am just wanting to support your daughter and be there for her for everything." I looked at Peter and smiled softly. 

"Alright, being broody is exhausting. Just don't break her heart and I won't break you." He grabbed his toy and fixed his crown.

"I promise I won't."

"Your dad isn't too bad." Peter mentioned as I walked him back home.

"It could have been a lot worse, I'll give him that." I chuckled before a figure stopped us. I grabbed his arm and saw the figure hold a gun up.

"Give me your money. I don't have time just hand over the money." He fumbled and Peter tried reasoning. I saw him cock the gun and his finger twitching around the trigger. He was gonna shoot. I jumped in front of Peter, the quick movement causing him to pull the trigger. The bullet caught me in my shoulder and I curse to myself.

"You shouldn't have done that." He shot two more time into my chest but I kept stalking forward. I pulled my knife from my boot and kicked the gun out of his hands. "Run." I pointed the knife at his neck and his arms shot up. He slowly backed off before running in a full sprint.

I turned to Peter and smile. "You aren't the only one with powers Peter."

"You knew? Also you're bleeding a lot, we should get you to a hospital." He grabbed my arm and I laughed.

"Of course I knew. I'm observant. I will heal in a few hours." I looked down and poked the bullet holes. "they hurt but will be fine soon."

"How do you...." He trailed off and I cocked my head a little.

"My dad is Deadpool. I was born from my mom Vanessa. Time passed through me a lot quicker than most until last year. But that means that I have the same abilities he does. I can't die and I heal and can grow my limbs back." I looked at him watching his reaction. "I watched him regrow his legs it was very disturbing and hopefully I will never have to go through that."

"I knew it! I'm gonna kill that guy for hurting me daughter!" I heard my dad say as he jumped down from a building.

"Dad, stop following me! I handled it fine!" I crossed my arms.

"I just wanted make sure Parker didn't put it in ya." I rolled my eyes and faced Peter who was stunned and the mental cogs in his head turning.

"Dad, go home I will be fine."

"Not after I chase that guy down and finish him off." He winked at me and ran after the man, with nothing but crocs on his feet.

"I warned you." I chuckled and grabbed his hand.

"Aren't you in pain? Doesn't it hurt to move?" He wouldn't walk and just blankly stared at me.

"Its not much pain. It feels more like the tingling sensation when your leg falls asleep."

"Are you sure that you are fine?" Worry was the only thing readable about his face.

"Yes, Peter. I pinky promise." I held out my pinky and he crossed his own with mine. "Alright, come on before it gets too dark." He smiled softly and walked alongside me.

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