Not as Planned

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"Y/n, swap seats with MJ, MJ sit with Brad. Betty sit with Ned and I." I got up and sat next to Peter. I blushed lightly, I had a thing for him but he found his friend group. I saw him looking at MJ and Brad begin laughing at a movie.

"Stop staring like a creep. " I look down at my book.

"W-what? I-I don't know what you are talking about." He stumbled and I chuckled lightly.

"Lets play some cards." I set my book down and grabbed a deck of cards from my backpack. He looked confused but sighed giving in, I shuffled deck and dealt our hands.

I walked the halls and stopped by a door. I knocked and waited for an answer. Peter opened the door and I stepped back.

"Oh I'm sorry Peter, I was looking for Betty's room. MJ kind of kicked me out since Brad came over." I rub the back of my neck and looked at other doors.

"Ned is with Betty so they will probably kick you out too." He looked down. He looked almost disappointed in what I told him.

"Hey, I saw this little festival down a few blocks, how about we go to that?"

"Curfew is in 20 minutes." He looked down and looked at his pj pants.

"We are the least of their problems. Now come on." I fixed my bag and walked to the lobby avoiding any familiar faces. I walked outside and waited for him.

"So wait where is this festival?" I smile and grab his arm. I pulled him towards the festival.

"Come on. if we are going to be in Europe, let's have some fun." I bought us tickets and he seemed reluctant. I found an arcade game.

"Alright. I bet you I will shoot more hoops." I smirk and handed the worker some tickets.

"I don't know if you remember from elementary, but I was on the basketball team." He chuckled.

"That was elementary school I don't know if those credits will transfer." I grabbed a basketball and went to shoot my shot, but Peter sunk one before me.

"Are you sure about that?" I laughed and he won a small fox stuffed animal. "I'm gonna beat you the next game, I promise you that." I laugh and saw a food stand. I nearly raced over there and saw them making Zeppole. I pointed and the chef put some in a basket. I paid him and saw Peter laughing at me.

"You always need dessert don't you?"

"Here have one." I offered. He still remembered me a little bit and that meant so much. He took one and bit into it, his eyes instantly widening.

"Whoa this is amazing!" He cheered and I giggled taking a bite of my own.

"Come on let's find a ride." I looked around and found the magic carpet ride. I pointed at it and he shrugged and we began walking. "See aren't you having fun?"

"Honestly this isn't what I had planned for our summer vacation but it is fun. I will say that." He finished his dessert and we got in line for the ride.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was the plan?" I looked at him.

"Well, I was gonna tell MJ I liked her. I had this plan about telling her on the Eiffel tower with a black dalia necklace-"

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