Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV

I woke up and I was cuddling with Derek. I turned off my alarm before it got the chance to go off and wake him up. I got up and grabbed my clothes and necessary things you use to shower. I got out and changed into a long sleeve and some comfortable shorts. I brushed my teeth and did all my hygiene. I walked into the room and derek was awake. I assume he was waiting for me to get out cause once I got out he went into the bathroom and did his things (I had extra things for him to use.) He finally got out, he was wearing sweats and a t-shirt.



Y/n:I'm bored

Derek:me too



Y/n:let's go bug kobe

Derek:ok, what are we gonna do

Y/n:jump on him then yell wake the fuck up

Derek:sounds like a plan to me

Me and derek got up and tip toed to Kobe's room. We successfully didnt make noise. We got on his bed and jumped as high as we can and landed on him

Derek & Y/n:WAKE THE FUCK UP!!


(Kobe's not rude but imagination)

Y/n:someones on their period

Kobe:I'm not, I dont get that shit

Y/n:seems like it

Derek:why are you so grumpy

Kobe:cause, I feel asleep 1 hour ago

Y/n:you should've slept earlier then

Kobe:can you guys leave now

Derek:but we're bored

Kobe:I don't care, go do something, go fuck or something, just leave me ALONE

Me and Derek looked at eachother and then bursted out laughing

Derek:you're kidding....right?

Kobe:no...I'm not

Y/n:yes he is

Kobe:I'm not, as long as you're quiet I dont care just leave me sleep

Me and derek got up and walked to ihop (they can't drive cause they're 16 and it's a 6 minute walk.) We were ordering food for me, derek, and grumpy kobe cause if we didnt get him anything he'll be mad. As I was ordering I heard someone name mines and Derek's name. I turned back and it was....

A/n:who do you think it is. Do you like the story. It would also mean a lot if you voted. I love you all and hope you enjoyed

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