Chapter 9

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Derek's Pov

I woke up and saw her sleeping. I then came to the conclusion that I like her. She has been there for me more than other people have. Must people just use me but she, shes a keeper. But were only friends. She doesn't like me. I guess I should go on that date with Marie and try to erase the feelings I have for her. I think ima ask Marie out since today is when we go on the date. I carefully got up and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm sorry" I whispered
(He said sorry cause he was gonna date her and cause of how she cuts and how she feels)

I walked out the room and texted Marie




When are you free today


Ok well dress fancy and be ready by 6

Ok, see you then

It was currently 8am (we all know derek ain't awake at this time but just pretend) so I decided to make breakfast. I went downstairs and grabbed the things you need to make French Toast. As I was finishing kobe walked in.

Kobe:hey derek, whatcha cookin

Me:what does it look like I'm cooking


Me:you know what, you broke my heart, you broke it, now you aren't getting any till you apologize


Me:ehhh, close enough

Kobe:so why'd you come out of y/n's room

Me:well long story short I was gonna say goodnight and thank her but then I hear her crying, I barge in and see her cutting, she tells me how she feels, then I tell her everything's gonna be okay, and then she asked me to stay so I feel asleep with her....

Kobe:sh-shes what

Me:shes cutting

I see Kobe's eyes water

Kobe:ima go check up on her

Me:okay, I'll be here if you need me

Kobe's Pov

I was upset someone else knew before me. I walked in her room like nothing and hug her

Y/n:umm, kobe are you okay

Me:why didnt you tell me how you felt

Y/n:what are you talking about

Me:I'm talking about your arms

Y/n:derek told you

I nodded my head

Y/n:hold on, why would he tell you if I told him NOT to tell you

Me:I think it's good he told me. Hes a great friend for that cause if he didnt say that means he dosent care for your well being. Now, how do you feel, why are you sad, am I not a good enough brother

Tears started to run down my face as I said that

Y/n:no kobe, dont cry your gonna make me cry

Me:please, dont ever hurt yourself

Y/n started to cry

Me:please, don't ever leave me, I dont know what I'll do without you. Now tell me how you feel, who's hurting you?

Y/n:everyone is hurting me. They are all fake, they betray me, they use me, they do all sorts of fucked up shit....I cant take it....I'm done

Me:y/n, theres always gonna be fake people, your just gonna have to ignore them, you cant be friends with everyone. Y/n, you have to drop people that give you bad energy. You have to grow physically and mentally, but I only see you growing physically. To grow mentally you have to drop the negative energy and be positive. You have to love yourself. And loving yourself isnt easy, when someone says you're beautiful what do you think to yourself

Y/n:I think they're lying, I think they're only saying it cause they're my friend

Me:see, you cant get positive things and then turn it into something negative, you have to keep it positive. I love you okay, please, if you ever feel like you give to me. I'll always be by your side. No matter how big of the argument we have always talk to me if those thoughts come in your head. I love you okay. Please don't ever think about leaving me...okay


We both cried and held onto eachother. Her eyes were now red and puffy so she went to rinse her face.

Y/n's Pov

Once kobe left I rinsed my face. He was right, I have to leave all the people that give me bad energy, behind. I can't be friends with everyone. I think ima be friends with only Derek, Jade, Mike, Vallyk, and Rose. I walked downstairs and saw derek eating with kobe. I served myself some French Toast and sat down. We all talked, laughed, and joked around until derek mentioned he was gonna ask Marie to be his girlfriend.

Derek:you guys guess what

Y/n and Kobe:what

Derek:ima ask Marie to be my girlfriend

Me and kobe looked at eachother in shock, kobe was the only one that knew I liked him.

Y/n:that's great derek....

Kobe:yea, hopefully she says yes

Y/n:well thanks for the food

Derek:your welcome

I got up up, put my plate away and rushed out the house. As I was outside walking I bumped into someone, it was.....

A/n:who do you guys think she bumped into? I really dont know what to say besides I hope you enjoyed and I love you all

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