Chapter 16

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I walked in and saw marie and aaron fucking. I threw the flowers I had at Aaron's head. They both turned around

Marie:baby I can explain

Me:dont you fucking baby me

Aaron:since you didnt treat her right I will. Oh, and I'll be getting at y/n as well so dont try anything with her

Me:for the last fucking time y/n is not interested in you

Marie:derek, can we talk

Me:no, fuck you marie

Marie:you know what fine, it's not like you were a good boyfriend anyways, I just wanted you for your money

Me: .....were done

I then walked out and everything hit me, that's what Mike and Vallyk were warning me about. That's why she made us go to the mall all the time. That's why she wanted to go to a fancy restaurant, that's why she made me pay. Fuck, she really is a gold digger. I arrived home and went to the room. I layed on my bed and just cried.

Y/n's Pov

I was walking past Derek's room and heard him crying. I opened the door and saw him crying

Y/n:derek, what happened

Derek:she cheated on me

I went to derek and gave him a hug, he was crying into my shirt. He then stopped crying and feel asleep. I layed down with him and cried cause I dont like seeing him like that. I then fell asleep with him.

The Next Day☀️

It was morning, I didnt feel like going, i had no energy to do anything. I felt empty. So I went back to sleep. When I woke up it was 2 in the afternoon. I saw y/n still laying with me but she was on her phone.

Me:good afternoon

Y/n:oh, your finally awake. Were going out

Me:y/n, I have no energy to do anything

Y/n:to bad derek, I dont want you inside being all depressed, me, you, mike, vallyk, justin, kobe, rose, and jade are going out now start getting ready


I got up and did my hygiene. When I got out they were all in the living room. I walked downstairs and everyone greeted me and went back to there conversations. I walked up to mike and vallyk

Me:where are we going

Vallyk:that's something you'll just have to find out

Me:why are we hanging out all of a sudden

Mike:were gonna help you get your mind off of things

I just nodded

Y/n:okay guys let's go

Me, vallyk, mike, and justin got in one car while y/n, rose, jade, and kobe got in another car.

Justin:derek, do you like


Mike:that's a lie, I see the way you look at her

Justin and vallyk nodded in agreement

Me:how do I look at her

Vallyk:like you like her. Like you get lost in her eyes

Me:no, I dont like her were just bestfriends

Mike:ok, whatever you say

We arrived at the mall and went with the rest of them. We shopped for hours until we all agreed that we were hungry.

Y/n:ok so, me, derek, and vallyk are getting from panda express. Mike and kobe are getting from Burger King. Rose and Jade are getting from olive garden

They all nodded

Y/n:ok, when we get our food we meet up at the car and go to my house and eat there

We all nodded and went our separate ways. We all got our foods, drove to my house, and arrived. We were all currently in the living room

Y/n:are you guys able to sleep over



Kobe was gonna sleep with justin. I was gonna share with mike and vallyk. Y/n was gonna sleep with rose and jade.

Y/n's Pov

As I was half asleep jade ask are you awake

Me:no, I'm pretending to be dead

Rose:make sense

Jade:you guys

Me and rose:what

Jade:I kinda like.....

A/n:who do you guys think she likes. Would you guys want friends that take you out when your heartbroken. I need new friends, who wants to be my friend, if so text me through Instagram, my Instagram is shorty_101.7
Or you can put your Instagram in the comments and I'll follow you.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story and have a great day or have a good sleep or good afternoon or good evening or anything else. Love you all....I know I changed the ending a bit but I'll go back to the same thing.

If this hits 70 votes by tomorrow I'll post 4 chapters

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