Chapter 18

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Me:jade, will you like to be my girlfriend


I was about to get up but she yanked me down

Jade:I'll love to be your girlfriend

Me:jade you cant do that, you really scared me

Jade just laughed. We walked down stairs and everyone looked at us and started laughing.

Derek:fuck daddy ima cum

Vallyk:what's my name

Kobe:you guys are nasty, couldn't even keep it down

Me and jade turn red and sit down

Y/n's Pov

Derek:i have an announcement

Everyone including me turned around. We looked at derek and waited for him to say something

Derek:I just want to thank you guys for being there for me even though we met only a month ago. Those four weeks have been one of the best weeks. I love you all so much

We all looked at eachother and nodded. We walked up to derek and gave him a hug

All of us besides derek:we love you to Derek

Me:derek can I ummm talk to you

Derek:yeah what is it

Me:actually umm n-never mind

Derek just nodded and walked away. I was gonna tell him I like him but I couldn't. Something in me was saying not to so I didn't.

Jade:y/n did you tell him

Me:I couldnt

Jade:is that an excuse

Me:no it's just my gut feeling was telling me to not say anything about it to him

Jade:its okay, what you think is better you do okay

I just nodded

Vallyk:can one of you guys come and drive me to my house

Justin:why, are you leaving

Vallyk:no I'm coming back I just need to bring my sister away from the house

I realized something was up with vallyk. He usually dosent bring his sister. Dont get me wrong I love his sister, but it was werid.

Me:vallyk can I talk to you right away


Me and vallyk went to my room. We sat down on the bed, there was no noise, we werent talking

Vallyk:so, what'd you need to talk to me about

Me:vallyk, is something going on in your family or something


Me:well cause you have to bring your sister over which is no problem cause I love her but you said you need to bring her away from your house and you've been trying to get out the house as much as you can. If theres something wrong you can always talk to me about it

Vallyk:are you a detective or something, you always seem to find out what's going on

Me:well it's my talent now what's going on

Vallyk:well my parents are getting divorced, they're always fighting and I dont want my sister near that.
I-I dont, I guess I dont want to see them argue so I do try to get away from there. When I hear my sisters voice shaky begging me to take her out the house, i cant say no. I hate seeing her like that

Me:its okay vallyk, were all here for you, we better get going to your house then

He just nodded. We walked down stairs and asked kobe if he can give us a ride to his house.
Once we arrived at his house, me and vallyk got out the car. We walked in and heard glass shatter

Me:if you want you can go check if they're fine, I'll go grab bri

Vallyk nodded and went to the kitchen where his parents were arguing. While he was gone I went upstairs to bri's room. I opened the door and saw her crying

Me:hey it's okay, pack clothes that will last you a week or two

Bri got up and started packing clothes, once she finished I went tk vallyks room and grabbed clothes for him. We went downstairs to see......

A/n:what do you guys think they saw. I hope you guys enjoyed and I love you

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