Chapter 15

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Derek's Pov

School ended and kobe picked me up.

Kobe:wheres y/n

Me:she kinda got in a fight

Kobe:what do you mean kinda

Me:well she did get into a fight

Kobe:fuck, she might get expelled, that's the 6th fight. Derek, when she goes back to school make sure she dosent getninto fights

Me:yes I'll make sure but what do you mean but 6th fight

Kobe:well shes gotten into many fights before you got here, I was happy that she finally stopped getting into fights

Me:oh ok, yeah I'll make sure she doesn't get into fights

We finally arrived home, I walked straight to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack since those punches looked hard. I walked into her room and saw kobe having a talk with her so I walked away. I waited 5 minutes and then walked into her room.

Me:those punches looked like it hurt so here

I handed her the ice pack. She laughed and took it out of my hand

Y/n:thank you

Y/n:derek, is it fine if you sleep with me

Me:yeah it fine. Let me just do my homework and shower

She nodded and got up. I walked out the room and went to mine. I showered and did my homework.
Y/n then called our name and said the food was ready. I ran to the kitchen, while I was running I bumped into kobe. Y/n saw and started laughing. We sat down and ate. Once we finished we went upstairs. I walked into
y/n's room and cuddled with her. We both fell asleep.

The Next Day☀️

I slowly got out of y/n's grip and got ready for school. I ate breakfast and went back upstairs. I saw y/n was still sleeping so I went and gave her a kiss on the head

Me:dont get in trouble

I then went back downstairs and got in the car with kobe. I'm not gonna lie, I didnt want to go to school since y/n wasnt gonna be there. We arrived, I walked straight to class, took a seat, and put my head down. The bell rang and I got up went to my next class. I did the same thing in all my classes since I had nothing to do. It was 4th period, I took out my phone and texted y/n


I'm boreeeddd

Theres nothing I can do about it. Ima be gone for month, how are you gonna last

Who said I'll last


Well then

Are you gonna visit Marie

Derek:yeah, she looked pretty bad after what you did

It's what she deserves

Derek:well ima go, the teacher is looking at me suspiciously

Ok bye

I turned off my phone and did the rest of my work. It was finally the end of school so I went to the hospital. The desk lady gave me the room number so I went. When I walked in the room I heard moaning. I walked in and saw.....

A/n:what do you think he saw??? I hope you enjoyed and I love you all

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