Chapter 6

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Derek:the reason I ask to stay here is cause....I got kicked out and I dont know where to go so I just stay here for awhile. Dont worry I'll leave by tomorrow. I'll try and find a place

I looked at derek cause I felt bad so I just hug him. After awhile he broke down and started crying into my shirt. He buried his face into my chest and cried. I pushed him away cause he was on my breast. I guess he realized cause he apologized

Y/n:derek, it's fine, you can stay for as long as you want, let me go ask kobe, I'll be back

I walked into Kobe's room and saw he had his air pods in and he was dancing.


He still didnt hear me. I waited for him but he still didnt hear not see me. I tackled him to the floor

Kobe:ahhhhhh. Owww, that hurt. Now what do you want

Y/n:is it fine if derek stays over


Y/n:I dont mean for a day I mean live with us

Kobe:I-I dont know, I mean I wouldnt mind at all but you have to call mom and ask

Y/n:you didnt hear

Kobe:hear what

Y/n:mom.....shes n-not coming b-ack

Kobe:what?how do you know?when did you find out?are you sure?how can I take care of you?ima have to get a job?ima have to do a lot

Y/n:its okay kobe, I'll help you and we can split the rent, I'll get a job. It okay

Me and kobe hugged, I knew this was hard for him to take in

Y/n:so can derek stay, hes been waiting for 20 minutes

Kobe: .....yeah, he can stay

Y/n:okay, can you drive us to his house so he can pick up his things

Kobe:okay, just give me 10 minutes


I walked back in the room and saw Derek sleeping. I started to shake him and slap him

Derek:oh, hi

Y/n:sorry I took long but yes you can stay

Derek:okay, thank you so much. I dont know what I would've done without you, you know.....your a really good friend

Once he said friend, it felt like someone stabbed me in the chest. But I understand that we just met but I really like him. I felt tears start to appear in my eyes so I looked down

Y/n:get ready were gonna go get your things

Derek:ok thank you again

I nodded my head and walked out my room. Once I closed the door I let all my tears go. I then heard a door open. It was......

A/n:I know, this is short so I'll post another one. I hope you enjoyed and I love you all

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