Chapter 4

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Still Y/n's Pov

It was Marie. Her and derek started talking, as they were talking I saw derek checking her out and all that. I was kinda jealous cause I was starting to like derek. I know what your thinking, damn bitch, you catch feelings quick, yes...I know I do but guess what.....I don't care. I overheard they're conversation. Derek asked her out on a date and she said yes. I wanted to cry but I met him not to long ago so decided to not make a scene, also cause she's my friend.

Derek's Pov

Marie called mines and
y/n's name. I turned back and hugged her.

Marie:hi derek

Me:hi marie

Marie:are you single

That question caught me off guard cause I mean...who ask that out of no where

Me:um, yeah.....why?

Marie:just wondering

Marie:how can such a cutie be single

Me:um thanks, and I dont know......maybe you can change that

Marie:oh I will

Me:well, would you like to go on a date

(I know, it's kinda awkward. Especially for me, it's so awkward writing this)

Marie:sure, I want to go to a restaurant so have your wallet ready

Me:oh, um ok then

Marie:ok text me


We exchanged numbers and she left

Y/n's Pov

I knew Marie was gonna use him. She was a gold digger and only I knew. Me and Marie use to be close until she started dating my crush Mattia (Mattia Polibio) and used him for his money. She even told me she was using him so I told him but of course he didn't believe me. Me and mattia stopped talking once I told him that and then he tried to talk to me once they broke up and apologize, I didnt accept it and now its awkward between us. I didnt want the same to happen to Derek so I wasnt gonna say anything.

Y/ you like....her

Derek:kinda, why

Y/n:no I was just wondering


Me and Derek walked back to the house with our food. We walked in and saw kobe on the floor with blood on his sweater. I dropped my food and ran towards him.

A/n:do you guys think hes dead. I dont know, find out in the next chapter. I love you all and hope you enjoyed

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