Chapter 22

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(I'm so fucking lazy so we are skipping to the gender reveal)

Y/n's Pov

I woke up, grabbed the things I needed and went to the bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth (yes she also flossed, used mouth wash, etc.) Once I got out the bathroom derek went in. Me and derek have been sleeping together (not like that, she ment sleeping on the same
bed) so he has his things in my bathroom. I changed into my dress and went to the living room. Once I got to the living there was a knock. I got up and went to the door. There stood the people that were gonna do my makeup. After awhile they finally finished doing my makeup. I wore a pink dress while derek wore a blue tuxedo. Everything was set up and people started to arrive. Everything was doing great until Marie and Aaron showed up. Okay, they're probably just here to have a good time and not disturb....right? I saw them heading mines and Derek's way.

Y/n:derek, marie and Aaron are here and heading our way

Derek:who invited them

Y/n:I dont know

Marie:congratulations on the baby

Aaron:marie, dont you say that when the baby is born, dont want to jinx anything and have the baby dead

Marie and Aaron started laughing while me and derek looked at eachother like what the fuck. Derek gave me the look.

Dictionary For Loving Derek

Page 17

The Look

Meaning:they might try and do something so go get someone to help

Example:there was a guy that was sending threats to me and derek so derek gave me the look

I nodded

Y/n:I have to go, greet more guest, I'll talk to you guys later

I walked away from them and went to the security guards. Yes we had security guards. I told them that they were bothering us so we walked up to them. The security took marie and aaron out

Marie:you will regret that

They escorted them out. Once they were out of sight I looked at derek.

Y/n:did they do or say anything when I left

Derek:Marie said she was dating aaron and how she wishes the best for our baby. She then said something about a gun but you guys came before she finished her sentence

Y/n:that's weird and creepy but let's go find out the gender

Me and derek walked to the place where we were going to find out the gender.

Derek:whatever the gender is I just want to let you know I'll forever be there for you and the baby. I love you

Y/n:awww, I love you too

It's the first one with the clothes

It was a girl. Me and derek ran to eachother and hugged. I started tearing up a bit, derek noticed and gave me a peck on the lips and wiped my tears with his thumbs. Everyone was cheering.

Once everyone left me and derek immediately fell asleep.

1 week later

Me and derek are currently going to get things for our baby. We got the crib, some clothes, and baby bottles.

Y/n:derek, I cant wait till we have our baby

Derek:Me too, but we have to be patient mamas

I smiled at derek cause hes so cute. Me and derek checked out and went back home. Once we got home I went to Kobe's room. I walked in and saw him sleeping.

Y/n:kobe wake up

He didnt wake up so I shook him. He started fidgeting around. I decided to leave him alone cause he goes to sleep very late. I walked out but got dragged back in. I turned around and saw kobe crying. I immediately hugged him

Y/n:kobe what happened

Kobe:M-my dream

I sat kobe down on the bed and sat next to him

Y/n:what was it died. But in the worst way possible.........I watched you die right in front of me. Am I worthless

Y/n:no kobe. Your not worthless, and guess what. I'm still here and it was just a dream. Are your dreams coming back again

He nodded. When he was 16 he had awful dreams but they went away. He sometimes would have panic attacks, they were bad. I guess they're coming back again. I hugged him and said everything will be fine

Kobe:okay, promise me one thing

Y/n:what is it

Kobe:you cant die young

Y/n:I cant promise that but I can promise I'll try and be as safe as possible

Kobe just nodded and hugged me (sibling sibilings could never.) I got up and gave him the food I brought for him.

Y/n:I'll be back

He just nodded. I walked to my room and saw derek laying down watching t.v


Derek looked up and back to the t.v


Y/n:ima sleep in Kobe's room tonight

Derek:okay, may I ask why

I told him about how he gets panic attacks when he has those dreams.

Derek:okay. Ima go to sleep. Goodnight

Y/n:goodnight, love you

Derek:love you too

I gave Derek a peck on the lips and then made my way to Kobe's room. When I walked in kobe was eating his food. He then looked up at me

Kobe:thank you for everything

Y/n:I should be saying thank you. You basically raised me when you were young. You've been there for me when no one was there. I love you kobe

Kobe:I love you more

He then got up and hugged me. We both layed down and fell asleep. (I really wished i had sibilings like this...but i don't)

A/n:Do you think kobe and y/n are sibling goals? I hope you enjoyed and I love you all. I hope this gives you a hint of what will happen next. The next chapter is the last chapter


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