Chapter 13

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It was kobe naked.



Kobe then covered himself and I walked out traumatized. A minute passed and kobe walked out the room.

Kobe:what did you even want that was so important you couldn't knock

Me:well, I didnt think anyone was home so I w-

Kobe:so what were you gonna do in my room

Me:I was checking all the rooms to see if anyone was home


Kobe just gave me death glare

Kobe:your just mad

Me:about what

Kobe:never mind

Me:ok well ima go to my room

Kobe just nodded his head before going downstairs. I walked down stairs and was gonna cook. I was attempting at cooking chicken alfredo.

Y/n's Pov

I was with Jade and Rose. We went to the mall, got our nails done, we did a lot. When we got home it was late. Currently I just got home. I unlocked the door and went inside. While i was locking the door the smell of something burning came to me and the fire alarm went off. I run to the kitchen and saw derek running all around the kitchen and screaming.

Derek:ahhhh, its burning

He then grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out the fire. He then grabs a cloth and starts fanning the fire alarm. The fire alarm finally stops and Derek then turns around and sees me. I burst out laughing.

Y/n:derek, what the hell

I said in between laughs

Derek:I was trying to cook

Y/n:cook what

Derek:chicken alfredo

Y/n:well clearly you suck at cooking

Kobe:why did the fire alarm go off

Y/n:did you know derek a good cook

Kobe:derek, did the fire alarm go off cause of you

Derek slowly nodded. We all started laughing

Y/n:its fine derek, you guys can go to your room, I'll cook the chicken alfredo

Kobe:no, derek should stay and learn how to cook

Derek:you have a point


Kobe went upstairs while me and derek were cleaning up the whole mess he made.

Y/n:derek, do you want to eat the thing you made

Derek:ummm no

Y/n:well to bad, here you go

I said handing the burnt chicken to him

Derek:we, you can eat that. I made it for you

Y/n:I'll pass

Me and derek started laughing. We finished cooking and called kobe down. We grabbed our food and ate.

One hour later

Me and derek were in my room watching a movie. It was a romantic love typa movie. Me and Derek were cuddling and eating popcorn. We then dosed off to sleep.

A/n:I know this chapter was pretty shitty and short but just read it cause in my eyes the story gets interesting especially the ending. I'll post another chapter since this one was short. I hope you enjoyed

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