Chapter 17

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Jade:I kinda like Mike

Me and Rose gasped

Jade:is that bad

Me:no, you guys would be so cute together

Rose nodded in response

Jade:but what if he doesn't like me, I dont want to ruin our friendship

Rose:do you see the way he looks at you, he 100 percent likes you

Rose:do you see the way he looks at you, he 100 percent likes you

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The way he looks at her

I nodded my head

Jade:how does he look at me

Me:he looks at you like he loves you

Derek's Pov

Mike:you guys

Me and Vallyk:what

Mike:you cant tell anyone but I like jade


Me:haha give me my 20 dollars

Mike:what's going on

Me:me and vallyk betted that you liked jade. I knew you liked her

Vallyk handed me my money

Vallyk:okay, continue with what you were saying

Mike:yeah, but I dont think she likes me

Me:she definitely likes you

Vallyk:yeah she does, she looks at you like she LOVES you

Mike:shut up, dont be loud

Me:how about this, we go and scare them

We all nodded in agreement. We tip toed to there room. We were about to open the door and yell boo but then we heard something.

Jade:I kinda like Mike

Me and Rose gasped

Jade:is that bad

Me:no, you guys would be so cute together

Rose nodded in response

Jade:but what if he doesn't like me, I dont want to ruin our friendship

Rose:do you see the way he looks at you, he 100 percent likes you

I nodded my head

Jade:how does he look at me

Me:he looks at you like he loves you

Mike looked at shock. The door then opened and we all fell. Mike got up immediately and walked away. I walked after him and he was blushing

Me:mike.....are you blushing

I teased him


Me:are you just gonna hide in here for the rest of the day

Mike slightly nodded. I gave mike a look like, 😑

Me:yeah, um your gonna talk to her

Mike:but what if she doesn't like me

Me:are you dumb, did you not hear what she said. She said she likes you mike, what do you mean what if she doesn't like you

Mike:I dont know, I guess I'm just nervous

Me:I feel you, so are you gonna talk to her

Mike:yeah, am I still blushing


I said no but he was reder than a tomato

Mike's Pov

I walked up to the room she was in and sat next to her. She was on her phone trying to process that I heard her

Me:jade, I like you to

She looked up at me. Some type of confidence came over me and I leaned in to kiss her. After awhile of kissing things got dirty (I'm not gonna right smuts cause it's to awkward for me to write, I'll see if I ever get the courage to write one.) After they know they got changed.

Mike:jade, will you like to be my girlfriend


A/n:oh my....she really rejected mike. Poor mike.... I hope you enjoyed and I love you all

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