Chapter 19

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We went downstairs and saw Vallyk's dad checking vallyk. I told bro to go in the car and to tell kobe to come. She than left. Once she left I walked up to the dad

Me:let him go

I then attempted to grab his hands and take them off of Vallyk's neck but he was stronger than me. Kobe than came inside, he looked shocked. He ran up to the dad and started punching him. He then let go of Vallyk's neck. Once he let go vallyk immediately fell to the floor and started gasping for air.

Me:vallyk, everything's gonna be okay, just take deep breaths

Vallyk was trying to breathe but instead started having a panic attack

I took him out the house and told him to look in my eyes and just breathe. He finally calmed down so I told him to get inside the car. Once he got in I went to check on kobe. Kobe was walking away from the dad that was bleeding, we both walked out of the house and entered the car. Once we entered kobe drove off.

Me:vallyk, you and your sister are gonna stay at our house, it can be for as long as you need

Vallyk:okay thank you but what will I wear

Me:well I packed clothes for you, it's in the trunk

Vallyk just nodded. Once we entered the house I loaded them to a guest room with two beds. They unpacked and thanked me.

Me:its okay, you guys can stay here for as long as you need to

They thanked me again and I went downstairs. Everyone left so it was only me, vallyk, kobe, bri, and derek in the house. I was watching a movie but then I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw derek. He was just staring at me

Derek:so what did you want to tell me

Me:what are you talking about

Derek:about how you pulled me to aside to tell me something but then you backed out

Me:oh, I umm I forgot

Derek:ok, what are you watching

Me:I'm watching a t.v show

Derek:no shit but what are you watching

Me:all american

Derek:ugh I dont really want to watch that, it looks boring

(Do you guys remember when derek would say that but now hes watching it and trying to convince other people to watch it😂)

Me:can you just watch it and not complain

Derek just sat down next to me and started cuddling. I went to the first episode and rewatched all of the season with derek. We ended up watching the 2 season's.

Me:so, do you like the show

Derek:yes I love it

Me and derek talked and laughed until we stopped. Derek was looking at my lips and leaning in. I slowly started leaning in as well. I felt his lip brush against mine until I he pulled away

Derek:I'm sorry, I didnt mean to

I just nodded and went to my room. I locked the door and started crying. While I was crying there was a knock at my door. I wiped my tears and opened the door. Right there stood derek

Me:hi derek

Derek:hi umm can I talk to you

I just nodded and sat down on my bed. He sat next to me

Me:so what do you want to talk about


(I separated then because some people might not be able to read it but he said all of that fast)

Me:what did you say

Derek:I said I liked you the day I met you but I tried pushing the thought away cause were friends and cause you dont like me. I tried dating marie but that didnt work so here I am confessing my feelings for you

I just stared at him shocked

Derek:never mind um just fo-

I just kissed him. He kissed back. After awhile I pulled back and smiled

Me:I like you to derek

He smiled at me

Derek:will you be my girlfriend


We then cuddled and fell asleep

A/n:helloooo, how are you. Do you guys like the story so far. I think you might hate me and cry at the ending but theres nothing I can do about it. Actually I can do something about it....i can tell you, "deal with it" I hope you enjoyed and I love you all

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