Chapter 5

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We walked in and saw kobe on the floor with blood on his sweater. I dropped my food and ran towards him.

please wake up....I love you....just hold on there....your okay...your okay...your okay

While I was trying to get kobe to wake up derek was calling the police but they weren't answering

Kobe's Pov

All I heard was y/n calling my name until everything went silent....



Now as I was at

Kobe's Pov

I was mad that they woke me up so I was gonna act like I was dead. Karma's a bitch isnt it. I placed the camera where you wouldn't be able to see it. I poured blood on my shirt and layed in a position that made me look dead. I heard the door open. Y/n was yelling, crying, and telling me everything is okay. I felt bad cause I knew me dying was one of her biggest fears.

Y/n's Pov

At that point I felt helpless and was just burying my face into his chest and crying. I was hugging him cause it might be the last time I hold him. I then realize that I'm getting my fingerprints on him so I drop him to the floor. I got up and felt light headed. Everything was blurry and then I passed out.....

Derek's Pov

Y/n dropped him to the floor, I heard kobe say ow so I was relieved he was fine but then I saw y/n fall to the floor. Me and kobe get up and run to her. She fainted.

Me:kobe what the fuck

Kobe:sorry, it cause you guys woke me up so i thought payback

Me:well clearly your payback did not go well

Kobe:do we take her to the hospital

Me:duh, she hit her head hard on the floor

Kobe took off his shirt and put a sweater (the shirt had fake blood so he was gonna change it) while I was taking her to the car. Kobe ran in and started driving while I was in the back with her. We arrived at the hospital and the nurses took her in. Once they were out of sight we sat down. I lightly slapped kobe

Kobe:what the fuck was that for

Me:your the reason we're here

Kobe:I'm sorry, I didnt know she'd faint and hit her head like that

Me:well she did

Me and kobe were waiting, 30 minutes later a doctor came

Doctor:family of y/n

Me and kobe stood up and walked towards him

Doctor:luckily she isnt injured. Since she hit her head hard she shouldn't be making hard decisions and she can't go to school for 1 week. Other than that she is ready to go

Kobe:ok thank you

Me and kobe walked into the room and saw her sleeping. We were waiting for her to wake up, after 10 minutes she finally woke up.

Y/n:kobe....are you ok....what happened to you....I thought you were dead

Kobe:it was actually a prank since you guys woke me up

Y/n:why would you do that, you know that's a fear of mine

Kobe:I-I don't know

Me:y/n, are you ready to go home


We walked out the room and got inside the car. Me and y/n were cuddling in the backseat while kobe was driving. Once we arrived kobe opened the door and carried y/n out since she was asleep.

Y/n's Pov

I woke up and saw kobe was carrying me bridal style since I fell asleep. I slapped him on the cheek (not the ass, the ones on his face) as hard as I can since he made me go to the hospital

Kobe:owww, what the fuck, why is everyone slapping me

Derek:cause....its national slap kobe day

Kobe gave derek a glare so me and derek started laughing

Y/n:I slapped you cause your the reason I fainted

Kobe:ok but I said I was sorry


Kobe put me on the floor and walked to his room. He was probably mad.

Derek:um, can I stay over

Y/n:yes, you can stay over anytime

Derek:ok thanks

Y/n:its fine but can I ask you a question


Y/n:ok first let's go to my room

Derek:um, ok

Me and derek went to my room and sat on my bed

Y/n:I'm not trying to be in your business but, why do you always stay you not have anywhere to stay at or something

Derek:am I disturbing anyone here or something cause I can leave if you want me to. You could've just said, I mean, i can leave if y-

Y/ your not disturbing anyone but I was just dont have to answer the question if you dont want to

Derek:the reason I ask to stay here is cause....

A/n:do you guys hate me for that....kinda okay. If I get 200 reads by the end of the day, ima post 7 chapters. What do you think will happen. I hope you all enjoyed and I love you

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