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"i knew i'd find you here."

once again, Farah is on her balcony. it's her favourite part about being in Spain. it brings her back to the present and plants her feet on the ground. the luxorious hotel gave her the best element without them even knowing.

she's not sure if Jin and her mother would be up for moving just for a place with a balcony.

she's dreading the fact that next week, at this time, she will no longer be able to stand on the balcony. she will no longer be able to drift off into a world of her own, hold the edges of the painted balcony and stare ahead despite it appearing blurry and she'll no longer be as inspired as she has been. she'll lose the kind of inspiration people travel years to achieve. she'll be back in her office, at home with the taste of mundaneness.

snug Farah also realises that next week, she won't get to see smartly dressed Taehyung leaving for his daily walk as she stands cluelessly, greeting him with a quiet good morning when he leaves.

she'll miss his affectionate greetings of good morning angel, gorgeous and love. but she's lived without them, him before.

Taehyung walks into the room, closing the hotel door behind him and approaches her. they're seizing the opportunity to catch up after all. he joins her on the balcony with his arms stretching upwards, hands placing themselves on his mop of dismal curls. he shifts his hands through his hair, eyes glancing at Farah before gazing at her view. they're both thinking about yesterday's warm evening and they're oblivious to how in sync they can be. me and you, we run on parallel lines. so close but so far.

the male writer left shortly after his nap yesterday. they finished the movie in bumbling silence as Farah bit on the inside of her mouth to stop herself from crying. she's an emotional wreck when it comes to this movie with it's train goodbyes and stirring, fatherly speeches and the acting.

Taehyung's sudden squeeze on her hand had caught Farah by surprise. she pulled her hand away as her eyes widened and waited for him to say something. but he just grumbled, eyes half open as he continued to watch the ongoing movie. she carefully tucked her book under her pillow.

the words on her pages didn't need to be exposed yet.

Farah still has no idea if he heard her poems about him. if he did, he simply acted like he didn't have a clue about anything. the female strongly believes that Taehyung did hear. he was just too surprised to say anything.

she gets it. she's emotional in personality, manner and words. it's how she is.

then as he was about to leave, after declining her offer of having dinner together, he surprised her as always. the truth is, Farah likes his peppy surprises, except for the one when he left like a coward.

that wasn't a surprise. it's crazy because she saw it coming. it was a trauma filled, routined electric shock that felt like she was watching the crafted pages of their book being torn apart in front of her eyes.

Taehyung leaned forward as he stood out of her hotel room and kissed her cheek, pretty, habitual lips lingering as he bid her goodbye. he said he'll see her tomorrow. Farah's cheeks flushed as he looked over his shoulder.

now he's here, the next day. Farah feels lighter after saying her true thoughts and feelings to unconscious Taehyung. saying her forgiveness and understanding is making her look at the boy in a different light.

Farah's playful this morning. Taehyung's influence, she blames him. "if you're here for a kiss then leave." she says, glancing at him as he stands at the entrance of the balcony.

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