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Farah didn't realise the purity of a forehead kiss until she met Taehyung.

as she once did, she feels the impact of his amazing lips against her searing skin when the aftermath of winning an award occurs. they were being pushed away from the stage, into the back as they held a tight grip on their precious award, sides bumping into each other as they broke into giddy and edgy giggles of dumbfound.

they had never won something. especially together.

what a happy moment.

then Taehyung had pulled her closer, naturally wrapping his arm around her and pressed his lips against her forehead as an action of pure ecstasy. he did it without thinking and Farah understood why.

Farah let Taehyung because she was so astonished by the events that were replaying in her mind. she ended up leaning into him, amazed by how she still had the same reaction to his kisses. half opened eyes, heart beating perilously and the outbreak of joy.

in that moment, being surrounded by strangers except for one, she remembers the light forehead kisses of their durable past. she remembers how he'd hold her safely at the end of a rough day, curling her into his long arms as he kissed her cheeks, lips and forehead, one after the other. every kiss whispered, i'll protect you.

she also remembers how she'd do the same. mutuality. a specific memory floats around, one where she held Taehyung as he cried on the bathroom floor, pushing his hair back and kissing his tears before letting a soul wrecking kiss linger on his forehead. for i felt love in every bit of my body for a man who needed me and i needed him. he didn't need me enough to stop him from leaving me though.

now the award ceremony is over and people are celebrating. it flew by. Taehyung and Farah remain close by each other's side, trying to acknowledge the various people that are introducing themselves and congratulating them with tickets of smiles and well done's. some even hand them business cards to get in touch.

Farah suddenly wishes she didn't give up on fictional writing. the magazine doesn't particularly let her explore her talent in novel writing. she used to do it in her spare time but the hobby floated away, strings of poetry occasionally appearing but she makes no effort to put pen to paper.

Farah hates how she's glued to Taehyung's side, she hates how the closeness between them has increased yet it feels secure, even his bodily presence puts her at ease. being around so many strangers doesn't just make her anxious but him too. that's why he keeps her close and she does the same, tugging on his blazer as they look after their prized award.

a reporter slides into step with them, holding a large camera over their faces. the red haired female grins, flashing the camera brightly.

Farah responds with a glare.

the first impression of the reporter doesn't turn out to be the best. "you just won the award for bestselling book, can't you give us a smile?" she raises her brows, staring unpleasantly.

Taehyung does a double take at the same time Farah does. "she can do as she pleases." his answer is brief and snappy as he moves Farah away.

Farah smiles at the reporter as Taehyung whisks her away.

suited, curly haired Taehyung unbuttons his blazer before smiling at Farah. they're aware of how close he's standing to her but it doesn't stop him, his eyes are reaching the kind of physical fellowship he is afraid of. "go on... at least give me a smile." he tilts his head, eyes shining with pleasure.

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