Chapter One: A Partnered Project

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"Gosh, the end of the day can't come quick enough," Ashido complained walking alongside Kyoka Jiro and Momo Yaoyorozu.

"Oh! I'm quite interested in next period though," Yaomomo clasped her hands together with a gleeful expression.

"Why?" Jiro tilted her head, hugging several books.

"Well last week, if I recall, Miss Kayama mentioned something about group projects," Yaoyorozu replied.

"Finally a break from all this learning. Art History with Miss Kayama's easy," Ashido sighed a breathe of relief.

"Like small groups or large ones?" Jiro asked. "Hopefully we get to choose."

"I believe she said a partnered project, I don't remember if we had a choice or not," Yaoyorozu said putting a finger on her lip with a confound expression. "But I'm sure it'll be alright, everyone in the class is more or less cooperative."

"But. . . there's still Mineta," Jirou frowned as all three of them made scrunched faces, walking into their classroom together.

Several people were already inside, seated at their desks chatting before the bell rang.

"Let's hope none of us get him then," Ashido held her hands together like she was begging toward the ceiling.

"Do you know what the project's about?" Jirou asked as she set her books on her desk, Ashido came to sit on top of Kaminari's desk since he hadn't arrived yet.

"I don't remember exactly," Yaomomo tapped her head. "I'm sure it's not difficult though."

The voices of some familiar people wandered down the hall, before finally echoing inside the classroom.

"I think it's just a thing where we have to recreate something," Sero scratched his head, speaking to a tired looking Kaminari.

"Hey, get off my desk," Kaminari whined until Ashido hopped off.

"We're recreating something?" Ashido asked, overhearing them.

"Yeah, I think we have to mimic our art projects to the style of whatever she assigns us," Kaminari replied, rubbing his head with a yawn.

"Pfft," Jirou let out a snicker. "You're messing up your hair, are you that tired from last class?"

"I struggled with my math homework last night, Im beat," he said with his head on an arm.

"Just know, I'm going to jab you if you ever start obnoxiously snoring again," Jirou said with a snark tone.

"I could always assist you if you need the extra help Kaminari," Yaoyorozu said blissfully.

"Well then I feel like I'm just bothering you," Kaminari waved his hand. "I've been trying to keep up with work on my own."

"Yeah, trying to help him is IMPOSSIBLE," Sero hollered from behind them as he sat at his desk.

Kaminari whipped his head around to return an annoyed stare at him when the bell rang, startling everyone else to their seats. Miss Kayama was at the front of the class, clapping her hands together to begin.

"I've been hearing some of you talking, and judging by your reactions Im guessing you have an idea about what this project is," she said, pulling a slip of paper from her desk which held a list of names. "You'll be put in groups of two, and you and your partner will have until next week to complete your assignment. You'll have in-class work time to brainstorm ideas. When I finish reading everyones names you may move to sit with your partner."

"First group, Yuuga Aoyama and Kouiji Koda, you'll be mimicking Wassily Kandinskys artwork, I want to see your circles thrive with life. Fumikage Tokoyami and Mezou Shouji, you'll experiment with Mary Everest Booles string artwork," Miss Kayama listed off multiple names with multiple tasks.

Jirou sat with her legs crossed and her posture slouched as she twirled an earphone cord around her finger in boredom. Her attention peaked when she heard her name suddenly called.

"Kyoka Jirou and Denki Kaminari, you'll be attempting your hand at pop artwork, by Andy Warhol," Jirou took a glance at Kaminari who was basically brain dead at his desk, scribbling random doodles on the edge of his notebook. She gave a soft smile until Miss Kayama allowed everyone to stand.

"Why's everyone moving?" Kaminari looked up confused.

"We all got assigned our partners," Jirou tapped him with an earphone jack, waking him up out of his daze.

"Oh, cool. I already know you're creative so this'll be great!" His mood seemed to make a 180 turn.

"You have the entire rest of the period to brainstorm ideas," Miss Kayama announced, later assisting a confused Mina raising her hand.

"Who's Andy Warhol?" Kaminari left his seat to sit in Shouji's which was right in front of Jirou's, and turned his body to face her as she scribbled notes on a piece of paper.

"Hold on," she brought her phone out, showing him her screen. "He does colorful things that sort of look like crazy comic books," she took her phone back scrolling through more images.

"Woah thats neat," Kaminari looked over at his desk, too lazy to grab his pencil and instead stole one of Jirou's. "We could do a cool mural!" Kaminari stole her notebook, etching a pretty badass pose of himself with storm clouds everywhere.

"Don't waste all my pages," Jirou said without looking up from her phone, but curiosity got the best of her and when she glanced over she hated to admit she was somewhat impressed. She shook her head looking back at her phone, finding endless photos of bright neon paintings made by Andy Warhol himself.

"Bam! And I'd call it, Chargebolt, The Coolest Hero Ever~" Kaminari held her notebook up with his other hand gestured out like he was speaking to a big crowd, though no one else was even paying attention, they were too focused on their own projects.

"You forgot something," Jirou swiped her notebook back, erasing his face.

"Hey! Wait- what are you-"

"This is more like it," Jirou stifled between laughter as she held the page back up.

"My face doesn't look like that," Kaminari said indignantly crossing his arms. Jirou had scribbled on a ridiculous looking face, it looked a lot like his brain-dead state.

"It was earlier," she breathed a chuckle. "For some reason you're awake now so too bad I don't have a reference to go off of," she held her fingers up like she was framing his face for a photo, sticking her tongue out while squinting an eye, Kaminari couldnt help but think it was cute.

The bell rang, ceasing all work and sending the classroom in an uproar of chatter. Miss Kayama said her goodbyes as all the students gathered their things to sit back at their own desks, run to their lockers or use the restrooms. Kaminari hopped back into his normal seat as Sero returned to his.

"What'd you guys get again?" Sero returned, setting random notebook paper on top of his desk.

"Pop art, by Andy Warhol," Jiro replied turning back to face him.

"Ashido and I got geometric art, it's just a bunch of shapes so it'll be easy," Sero placed his hands behind his head.

"Lucky," Kaminari sighed. "But our project'll be awesome, right Jirou?" He looked over at her sketching music notes into her paper.

"Huh?" Jirou shut her notebook, grabbing out her math textbook for next period.

"Oh it'd be cool if you did pop art music notes, dontcha think?" Sero tilted his head.

"Nah, this is art class not music theory," Jirou shrugged it off as the bell rang to begin the next class. Kaminari looked at her with a saddened expression as she calmly flipped to the textbook page written on the board. Shifting in his seat facing back toward the front, he rested his head on an arm and bit on his pencil with thoughts roaming around his mind.

Seemed like a normal day, at least, thats what everyone else in Class 1-A thought. For Kaminari though, it was the first of several awkward days.

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