Chapter Fifteen: Ashido's Plan

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"I'm telling you, it'll work," Ashido said excitedly. All of the girls were seated on the floor of her dorm, planning one of the greatest schemes she'd ever made. All attended except Jirou. She was the only one who hadn't been told. It was Monday night, and Ashido was scheming something up.

"I feel sort of guilty, isn't meddling in her personal life a bit nosy?" Yaomomo remarked with a nervous face.

"I can't stand seeing Kyoka sad anymore," Hagakure piped in after Yaoyorozu, all the other girls nodding slowly in agreement.

"Kaminari either," Ashido added. "Which is why I've invented- Operation Floral Facemask!" Ashido said as she stood and swiveled on her heels, gesturing toward a few papers hung up on a wall just above her bed. Each paper had steps written in markers, which had arrows pointing to a new step.

"Why Floral Facemask?" Uraraka asked with a puzzled face.

"It's top secret and no one suspects it's a plan because it's so girly none of the guys would listen in anyway!" Ashido exclaimed, hopping on her bed.

"Huh, okay," Yaoyorozu agreed hesitantly. "But, explain to me again why I must be the one to lead Kyoka away?"

"Okay, okay- one more time," Ashido flipped around to face her wall and pointed to the first piece of notebook paper taped to the wall. "Step One: Yaoyorozu goes to Jirou's room with Hagakure. Step Two: Jirou needs to be led out of her room so Hagakure can find the mural their working on. This'll only work with Yaoyorozu because she's the closest with you."

Ashido turned around as Yaomomo gave a slight nod.

"Step Three: While Jirou is distracted, Hagakure gets the mural and brings it to her dorm—since their dorms are on the same floor it'll be closer and be less suspicious—and wait until dinner starts to sneak over to Kaminari's dorm. Since everyone'll be heading down to dinner, no one should be in the halls. Uraraka should be the only one there with the key that I've given her."

"How do you have his dorm room key?" Uraraka scratched her head.

"We're friends, he's very forgetful, and most importantly gullible. It was easy getting it when I lied about Bakugo coming for him. Oh, he ran out of his dorm so fast," Ashido stated. "So I swiped the key right before calling this meeting-" Ashido swung his dorm room key around her finger, tossing it to Uraraka.

Ashido continued. "So Step Four: Yaoyorozu stalls Jirou from going back up to her dorm. This is where I come in," Ashido placed her fingertips together. "Yaomomo and I need to distract those two long enough so that Sero can get up here, he needs to be at the dinner table so it won't be conspicuous, I asked him to eat light so he'd be done quicker. While we both stall downstairs, you'll be upstairs placing the mural in Kaminari's room, and sabotaging the handle to his dorm."

"We're not gonna break it right? Because I'm pretty sure Bakugo got in a ton of trouble for destroying Jirou's," Uraraka questioned.

"I asked Sero a favor," Ashido responded slyly with a hand under her chin. "He's using his tape, we've got this in the bag."

"So how is Jirou supposed to make it to Kaminari's room?" Asui pointed to one of the steps on the wall.

"Ah, Step Five: Jirou should be the first to come up with Yaoyorozu," Ashido turned to her ponytailed friend. "And Yaomomo, you need to bring up her art project so she'll look for it in her dorm. If she doesn't notice it's gone notice for her. She'll ask, you'll reply with Kaminari and if she's hesitant, you'll promise to go with her to retrieve it," Ashido finished firmly.

"So what about Kaminari? If they see each other in the hallways they're going to obviously avoid each other," Asui mentioned.

"That's the second part of Step Five. Yaomomo needs to tell me when they're in the elevator, that should allow enough time to get Kaminari to his dorm, but not too much time so that he notices the mural. I'll be there distracting him while Sero and Uraraka go to hide by the stairwell," Ashido explained.

"Wait, ribbit, if everyone has a task, what's mine?" Asui inquired.

"You and Hagakure are our Look Out Ladies. You both have stealth quirks so it works perfectly," Ashido clapped her hands together.

"So, Jirou goes with me to Kaminari's room. When we get there, what happens?" Yaoyorozu questioned.

"That's Step Six. You'll need to text me before you get there. I'll already be in the dorm, and when I hear 3 knocks I'll know it's you guys, if there's any other people heading to his dorm, Asui and Hagakure will be the Look Out and Uraraka has to stall them," Ashido said.

"You really went in depth with this," Uraraka squinted at the wall. "Why me?"

"Because you can float people with your quirk, it's a lot easier than accidentally burning them with acid," Ashido replied. "So then, I'll open the door, find Jirou, say hi, leave the dorm and close the door. Sero comes with his tape and bam! If I wanted, I could use a lil' acid on the door handle but– I don't feel like damaging school property like Bakugo. So Sero's tape is the best option."

"You're trapping them in Kaminari's dorm? I feel like they've had enough being locked in for one night," Asui put a finger on her bottom lip.

"It'll totally get them to talk though, I say it's a good plan Ashido!" Hagakure said with encouragement.

"See? And it's not going to be overnight, just until they talk it out. Kaminari told me he was the one with the paint, while Jirou had the mural. They both have the things needed for the project, they just won't talk about it," Ashido added.

"So, we're really doing this?" Yaoyorozu asked with an uneasy tone.

"We'll give them a chance. We'll see if they pull through tonight, if not tomorrow night then it has to be Wednesday night. This is only a fall back plan if they never talk," Ashido began tearing down the papers to hide the evidence of their plan.

"Right! Operation Floral Facemask is a go!" Hagakure cheered as all the girls met their hands for a team huddle, raising their arms in triumph.

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