Chapter Eight: Quiet Before The Storm

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It was Saturday afternoon, and classes had been released for the weekend.

"Heya Jirou~" Ashido sidled up to Jirous side, waving cheerfully. "It's the weekend! Aren't you glad!"

"Sure," Jirou said with a halfhearted grin that disappeared as soon as it came.

"Jirou, you've been off the whole day," Ashido spoke caringly. "What about the situation makes you upset?"

"I don't know," Jirou darted her eyes away from Ashidos, avoiding anything that'd eventually lead to a confession.

"I know I'm a huge blabbermouth, but I promise to keep this between us," Ashido put a hand on her friends shoulder and her other hand on her own chest like a vow.

Jirou didnt reply.

"You saw my text last night, right? Shouldn't that be a good thing to raise your spirit?" Ashido continued.

"Ashido, as cool as it sounds, it can't be true,"Jirou stared at the floor. Her mouth was smiling but her eyes werent. They held disbelief. "And even if that were  the case, it'd probably wouldnt be the person I'm thinking of."

Ashido wanted to blurt out everything Kaminari had told her —about the situation last night— but she didnt have enough evidence to know who Jirou was speaking about. For all she knew, it could've been anyone in all of U.A.

"Kyoka, you're totally talented, pretty, and have a neat personality! What do you mean it can't be true?" Ashido tried lightening the mood.

Jiro returned a shy head shake. She was still in denial.

Back at the dormitory, people were filled with laughter and joyous attitudes. It was a new weekend, a majority of the class agreed to a movie night in the commons area that night. Mostly the girls idea, but the guys thought it interesting and some agreed to come. Sunlight streaked through the large dorm windows, flooding all the students in its calm glow.

If only the students knew of the chaos brewing ahead of them.

"Well, if you're still going to the movie night thing, I'll see you later, Jirou," Ashido waved as Jirou stepped out of the elevator, returning her wave as the elevator went up to the fourth floor.

Jirou glanced at Kaminari's dorm before heading down her own. Slowly opening the ruined door she found the sheets still messily strewn along the floor. She picked up her pillow and blanket, whipping it out to remove anything that might've been from the floor, though she cleaned her room quite often so it was alright. She took the pillow and hugged it to her chest.

It kind of smelled like him.

Falling onto the bed she hugged the pillow.

Why did I do that? Why did I move? Why didn't I just go back to my bed?

But she so badly just wanted to be next to him. With him she felt happy. With him she felt lighthearted. With him she felt comfortable to be herself. Not only that, he encouraged her to be herself.

He'd always be the first to point out her positive traits. He'd always be there to make her laugh and motivate her to continue in her musical journey. He was a total goofball with a severe lack of brains, but that was what she loved about him. Idiotic, but he had the biggest heart.

She glanced down at the floor where they'd been only this morning. Now this part was still really fuzzy to her, but she swore she felt the tight embrace of an arm around her body. That could've just been a part of a dream, but at this point she couldn't distinguish what was real or not.

Her eyes wandered to her desk where the canvas still laid, propped up against the wall. Kaminari was surprisingly neat when he painted, and even more surprisingly, a hidden artist. Her eyes landed on Kaminari's hoodie, which was still lying on the backrest of her chair.

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