Chapter Sixteen: Is This The End?

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'So we're actually going to go through with this?' Yaomomo texted quietly from her dorm, sitting on her bed an a peach colored, button up night shirt with a pair of leggings.

'It's Wednesday night, and I THOUGHT they'd do something and at least TRY to get the project done Tuesday night, but nope. Even Mineta got his project done with Shouji before Kaminari.' Ashido sent her response in the group chat.

'They're both avoiding talking to one another, I've noticed it during class.' Asui added.

All 6 girls were in their dorms, texting one another before dinner began in about 10 minutes.

'Dinner is going to start soon, Momo, we need you to initiate the plan.' Ashido had messaged.

'Right. Hagakure, I'm coming down to your floor.' Yaomomo took a deep breathe as she stood up to exit her dorm.

Hopefully Ashido's plan succeeds. This is all for Jirou. I just want to see her happy again.

Yaoyorozu closed the door to her dorm, arriving onto the 3rd floor where Hagakure was silently standing by her door. She was wearing night shorts and a tank top to try and be less noticed, but a floating set of clothes with matching slippers stuck out no matter what. Yaoyorozu saw Hagakure give a wave, judging by the motion of her clothes, and Momo waved back.

She stopped in front of Jirou's dorm, sighing then giving a few simple knocks.

"Yaoyorozu?" Jirou opened her dorm door, wearing her night clothes as well. A red T-shirt with a random pair of grey pajama shorts. From behind her Yaomomo could see the mural on her desk, still propped up against the wall.

"Hello Kyoka! I was just wondering if you'd like to head down to dinner early tonight? I don't know what they have but I hear it'll be good!" Yaoyorozu said cheerfully.

"Oh, sure, I guess I have nothing else to do," Jirou replied. She didn't seem to notice anything wrong, which meant Operation Floral Facemask was set in motion.

Jirou wandered into her dorm to grab a pair of slippers as Yaomomo let Hagakure slip inside. She huddled up against a wall and tried being an unnoticeable bunch of clothes by a coat rack. Yaomomo kept talking to muffle Hagakure's movements.

"Oh! Um, you know what I've heard?" Yaoyorozu suddenly piped up as Jirou left her dorm. "Next week during Hero Lessons they'll be putting us up against one another."

"Wait, really?" Jirou closed her dorm door and walked down the hall next to Jirou. "I already KNOW this'll go badly."

From inside her dorm, Hagakure shifted from her spot and grabbed the mural, finding that there'd only been yellow painted on it. A faintly sketched outline of All Might's face still remained. She slipped out of her dorm and reshut the door, quickly running back to her own dorm to hide the canvas.

'Alright ladies, Step One is complete.' Hagakure texted the chat.

A sound on Yaomomo's phone startled her.

"Was that your phone? You seemed startled by your own notif," Jirou said as the girls exited the elevator, entering the commons lobby.

"Oh, no, it's nothing," Yaoyorozu fibbed. "Just a promotional ad for tea." She glanced over the message and silenced her phone to vibrate. So now all she had to do was keep Kyoka occupied until she received a new text. Across the room, she noticed Ashido doing the same.

The pink haired girl was sitting next to Kaminari, seeming to talk about homework. She looked up, giving a wink with a thumbs up, Yaomomo returned it with a light nod.

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