Chapter Seven: Severed

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"Sero, you cant tell ANYONE," Kaminari shook the tape quirk user by his shoulders. They sat in their homeroom, all talking amongst each other.

"I- know- just- stop- shak- ing- me-"Sero said as Kaminari released his tight grip.

Jirou hadnt come into the classroom yet, nor had Ashido, Asui, Hagakure or Yaoyorozu. Which was odd. Yaoyorozu usually came early.

"How'd it happen though?" Sero looked over at him as Kaminari went to sit at his desk.

"I. Dont. Know." Kaminari said distinctly aggravated. "Just stop talking about it, okay?"

"She sits RIGHT in front of me, and NEXT to you, how can I NOT think about that?" Sero gave a cheeky grin.

Do you think I FORGOT that she sat NEXT to me? UGHH.

That was the only thing Kaminari could think about the whole morning. He'd be next to her in every single class they had together. She'd be RIGHT there but he'd never get an explanation because, he may have been incredibly stupid, but he was smart enough to know they'd mutually never bring up what happened ever for the rest of their lives.

The distinct voices of several girls travelled down the hallway and eventually into the classroom, Kaminari looked down at his notebook, doodling to distract himself. He didn't have the couage to look up.

Jirou came to her seat, not even saying her daily 'hello' to him. She instead, immediately put her head down in her arms.

I. Hate. This.

Kaminari isn't dying as badly as he was before, but-

I thought you moved on to monologuing Jirou.

The story switches perspective a lot.

Kaminari couldnt help but steal a glance from the corner of his eye, and through the gaps of his hair he saw Jirou slumped on her desk like she was incredibly tired. Her hair draped over her tension filled shoulders, giving her a worn out appearance. Kaminari looked back down at his notes as Ashido and Hagakure silently sat down at their own desks, giving each other concerned glances from across the room.

The bell rang, everyone seated themselves.

Jirou propped her head back up, holding an emotionless face. Was it emotionless? Maybe it looked a little distressed. But mostly emotionless and dead tired.

Roll call was done, announcements were said and then the end of homeroom period came, leaving a few minutes for people to chatter and move from their desks.

Jirou only put her head back down, bringing her legs in closer to her body.

Is she upset? Did I do something wrong? Or is she just as embarrassed as me?

"Hey Kaminari, help judge something for me and Sero," Ashido ducked down and yanked him by an arm. Sero furrowed his eyebrows confused and got up, following Ashido.

"Huh- judge what?" Kaminari asked.

"No, you're not judging anything," Ashido swatted her hands.

"Then why am I  here?" Sero said annoyed.

"I just needed to get you away from Jirou," Ashido said, occasionally glancing back to see if Jirou had moved, she hadn't from her position. "And you saw the photo too," Ashido flicked Seros nose.

"Ow-," Sero held his nose. "Okay, I did, but I havent told anyone," Sero admitted.

"Kami, I can totally help you," Ashido clapped her hands together. "Sero will too!"

"Don't bring me into this," Sero said defiantly, which was followed by a hard elbow jab by Ashido. "Oughh, okay okay, sure, fine, I will."

"She doesn't see me in that way," Kaminari spoke quietly as the three occupied a corner of the room.

"Well I told her yesterday night that someone seemed to like her," Ashido poked Kaminari in the side.

"You did WHAT," Kaminari panicked.

"I didn't say names," Ashido followed up quickly.

"It wouldnt matter anyway, she doesnt believe it," Kaminari crossed his arms.

"How do you know?" Sero asked.

"She read aloud some of the texts Ashido sent her and thought it was a joke," Kaminari held his hands over his face.

"Urrghh, Kyoka why," Ashido said with light frustration, pondering for ideas, she saw Yaomomo leave her desk to talk to Jirou for a bit. "I dont get it, what happened?" Ashido looked back at him.

"I went to sleep on the floor," Kaminari made gestures with his hands. "She let me borrow her blanket and pillow while she stayed on the bed. I went to sleep. I woke up and she was with me."

"You seriously don't remember?" Sero scoffed a laugh as Ashido elbows him again. "Right, not helping, sorry."

"So if you didn't move, does that mean she moved from the bed in the middle of the night?" Ashido rubbed her chin.

"What if she fell off her bed?" Sero rubbed his head.

If she HAD fallen, wouldn't she have gotten back up?

Kaminari DID in fact, know. He just wanted to avoid telling his friends everything. He thought it was some lucid dream. Something shifted beside him that made him blink awake, and when he found Jirou in the blanket next to him, he only saw it as a dream, and fell back into slumber. Besides, Jirou didnt move a lot in her sleep anyway, so falling off the bed couldn't have been a scenario.

I hate that I know that now.

It would've been a really nice dream if he hadn't woken up in this reality.

"So if she  moved-" Ashido tilted her head at Kaminari.

"Stop getting my hopes up," Kaminari held a face full of saddened scorn.

The bell rang, which prompted the students to prepare for their next class period.

Ashido had a point though. If Jirou was the one who moved, then was the feeling basically mutual?

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