Chapter Fourteen: Moody Monday

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Author's Edit: Okay, I was certain that I published this chapter but it's showing that I haven't published it?? I have no clue what happened but I'm reposting this one as well as the next one so yeet.

It was the third Monday after the Hivemind break in, two weeks had passed and the students of Class 1-A were admitted back into school, continuing right where they had left off. Now reaching the end of the day, the students were all returning to the renovated dormitory. Mr. Aizawa explained that some teachers decided to change their schedules to make up for the lost days, while other teachers with non-core classes, like Computer Tech and Art, decided to pick up from the same spot.

Which meant-

"Oh you guys are gonna love our project," Ashido said proudly. "We finished really quickly and I think it's still in my dorm."

"I can't believe Miss Kayama expects us to turn in our projects after all this," Mineta complained with his head slumped.

"It's not like Art History is hard, you just draw or something to the best of your ability and bam, easy grade," Sero said nonchalantly.

"Well some people haven't started yet," Mineta whined. "Kaminari, please tell me you haven't finished yours either."

"No, we haven't," Kaminari replied, sipping from a juice box.

"You realize it's Monday and it's due Thursday, right? You didn't do any work during the weekend or super long break?" Ashido asked.

"Well- we haven't. . . had time?" Kaminari made a poor excuse that everyone could tell was only a cover up.

"I talk with Jirou every day, you can't lie and expect I'll believe it," Ashido said tilting her head up. "Plus, I can still read you fairly well, Kaminari, I don't need an explanation."

"Can't believe you got a room before I did-" Mineta crossed his arms as Sero taped his mouth shut and led him away, making the grape-haired boy angrily mumble and stomp.

"Why are you avoiding her so much?" Ashido asked Kaminari.

"Ashido why can't you just leave me alone about all this," Kaminari looked over with an irritated expression.

"Because-" Ashido gripped her head and spoke in a tone that held restraint frustration. "Ji-rou- she. . . you! You and she! You both- the project! RAGHHH," She facepalmed herself angrily, forcing herself to keep her mouth shut. She had promised Jirou, she wasn't going to break it.

"Uh," Kaminari looked at her confused. "You okay?"

"The project-" Ashido gasped. "The project, the project, the project," her face suddenly lit up as a lightbulb went off in her head.

"Yeah. . ? I thought that's what we were talking about. . ?" Kaminari said slowly as Ashido shook him by the shoulders.

"The project! That's what'll work-" she hopped.

"I- know- we- have- a- pro- ject-," Kaminari stifled every time she shook him.

"Yes! The project! Okay bye!" She let go of him and skipped toward the dormitory, vanishing through the doors.

Kaminari had a scrunched up face, wondering what that was all about.

Entering the doors, he crumpled up his juice box and tossed it into a trash bin. The dorms looked as good as new, no more ice in the halls, the lights were back on and even the furniture was back in it's spot.

Some people had arrived at the dorms earlier than others and had already changed out of their school uniforms. He saw Ashido bounce over to the kitchen table, where two of the other girls were talking, Asui and Uraraka. A little farther away, looking down at the counter while sitting on a stool was Jirou, leaning over a book, occasionally writing something down on a piece of paper. Kaminari averted his gaze, but he could somehow feel all their eyes on him, Uraraka and Asui's, and especially Ashido's.

When Ashido got ideas they were normally crazy, so he planned to get as far away from her as possible. He disappeared down the hall into the elevator.

"Oh, Jirou~" Ashido slid up to the counter Jirou was working at, putting her weight on her arms as she leaned forward to peek at her. "So what's your progress on your project with Kaminari?"

"Oh, I forgot about that," Jirou didn't look up from her math homework, mouthing numbers, tapping her pencil then continuing to write. "Why?"

"Well it's due Thursday, isn't it?" Ashido tilted her head.

"Thursday? That soon?" Jirou finally looked over with a face of dread. It wasn't the deadline she was worried about- well that was part of it. It was more so talking to Kaminari and getting the assignment done before said deadline.

"Have you guys started?" Ashido asked.

"Well- yeah, we just haven't completed it," Jirou replied, looking back at her homework to attempt finishing it, but she couldn't focus. All she was doing was worrying. Worrying about talking to Kaminari again.

"Did you keep it in your dorm or his?" Ashido rolled on the ball of her heels.

"Mine, why are you asking?"

"Oh- I just wanted to see what you've got done so far is all," Ashido fibbed. It was a good fib. Jirou bought it.

"Well I haven't touched it since two Friday's ago, it's still on my desk," Jirou placed her left elbow on the counter and rested her head on a hand, finishing the last questions on her homework.

"Ok bye!" Ashido gave a single clap and walked away.

Jirou looked up confused as Ashido hurriedly fled to the elevator, Jirou guessed she was heading back to her dorm. She looked back down at her paper, her eyes scanning the endless math problems. She was writing things down but it wasn't like she was paying attention or concentrating at this point, her mind was stuck worrying.

Everyone knew projects and tests were worth more points than regular homework assignments and daily participation, and coming so close to the end of the trimester, big projects like these were important. She really, REALLY, didn't want to do it though. Jirou closed her book, debating if failing this assignment was worth avoiding Kaminari.

She did want to talk to him though.

But she also didn't.

What kind of logic was that?

She glanced at her phone that was sitting face down next to her textbook. She exhaled a sigh and grabbed it to text someone.

'Hey, Kaminari, what about the art assignment?' A buzz from Kaminari's desk shook his phone. He lifted it and hesitated at a response, answering 3 minutes later.

'Sorry, homework.' Kaminari lied.

'That's alright, tmr then.' She replied a few minutes later, Kaminari put is phone down and flung onto his bed. Why'd he say that? He never did homework anyway.

He dug his face into his covers.

He wanted to see her again. It'd been so long since they last talked. He felt almost lonely without her. Part of him said 'Please, let's go see her' and another side said 'if you do, what'll happen then? Rejection? Haha. Loser.' and that was what he feared.

He noticed it too.

She was avoiding him.

They were purposely avoiding each other.

But why?

What changed? Did I do something wrong? Is she mad at me or am I just drifting from her as a friend?

Kaminari brought his head up from his cover, tucking his arms underneath his pillow.

I want us to be something more.

Kaminari pulled his pillow in closer.

But what if she doesn't want to be something more?

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